Another tag because I'm amaaazziinnggggg. :p

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1. My favourite song.
Hm, let's see... Pourquoi. :P

2. Last song I listened to.
Just dance.

3. Favourite remix.
Bonjour madame (nightcore).

4. Favourite instrumental.
Roundtable rival.

5. Favourite K-pop.
Kill this love.

6. Favourite video game song.
One that comes from inside a game or a song that someone has made based on a video game? I don't know, so I'm going with the last one. Wicked sister (also known as the female rap).

7. A song I just want to add.
Sad song.

8. Favourite animé introduction.
SAO!!! (The first one, not GGO or anything, but they're good too.)

9. Favourite meme song.
I don't know any, sorry.

10. Favourite mix.
As in, a mix of songs put together? I don't know what it's called because it's literally just all of the songs name's... It has Havanna, Despacito, Just dance, California girls, You belong with me (that Taylor Swift song, not sure if this is actually it's name though) and lots more. It's eight minutes and ten seconds long so...

11. Add another song, because why not?
Burnin' up.



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