chapter 2 - Jamie

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new chapter guys we finally meet jamie properly i hope you like him :) xxx

This guy the new one Ella was blabbing about and with good reason he seems odd but in the right way, of course he's attractive with his dark perfectly messy hair and sea blue eyes i had only a glimpce but they're hard to miss. The way he dresses is different to where the other guys dress in tacky track suit bottoms and hoodies, I can see a black shirt underneath the leather jacket something you're more likely to see on a model than a 17 year old.

"earth to lucy" ella intruded my thoughts while waving a hand in front of my face.

"sorry i was just...i was...erm" I tried to speak but it kept coming out stuttery. whats wrong with me ?

"you were just checking out the new guy but hey you got his attention he's staring at you too" she was right he was staring but not the whole romantic way you see in films it looks like a glare , if looks could kill right ?

after 5 minutes of trying to not look back at him while he bore a hole into the back of my skull with his eyes the bell rang finally and i scooted off to maths my most favourite lesson of the day. I'm joking I'd rather put an angry raccoon down my bra that go but there's non in sight unfortunatly.

Instead of doing boring equations in class I decided to answer a few more of my text messages it seems like everyone needs my help these days - super lucy to the rescue!!

hey luce, my best friend has started to see this new guy and now she's leaving me out of everything what do i do - kelly

kel just talk to her about it maybe she'll see what she's doing if not would a real best friend forget you for a boy ?- lucy

hmmm I guess i see where you're coming from thanx hun I'll talk to her later and get back to you- kelly

well thats one person down about a zillion others to go. I don't know how it happened becoming the go to girl but it did and its hard work but I'd never get out of it , it gives me a purpose in life even if it is helping with petty highschool problems.

Math ended quicker than expected thanks to the troubled teens that kept messaging me all the way through. The lunch bell rang so I met ella by her locker and headed off to our secret place to have lunch its a little nook between two classrooms its dark and a little small but non of the teachers tend to look into it so we're basically off radar from everyone it helps when you want to get away from it all.

"so how was class?" Ella asked not really interested though she must have bigger things on her mind for example gee I don't know the new guy.

"uneventful, what do you really want to talk about? because I know for sure it's not equations"

"okaayyy you dragged it out of me! , so this is what i know about the new guy so far, his name is Jamie he moved here from new york with his mom because of some trouble that was happening up there I don't know the full scoop but my bet there'll be more" as she said this she beamed at me. This girl loves gossip as much as a bee loves honey if she didn't get it i doubt she'd even function though the day.

"you know Ella if you were in the CIA you'd be their top agent"

"why thank you I do try" yep there's no way anyone can get information faster than ell she's just too good.

A shadow passed by our little nook two blue eyes stared down from the exit. My heart skipped a beat. As quick as they appeared the eyes were gone. I decided to change subject talking about Jamie didn't seem right to do at least not here.

"how's toby ?" i asked.

"fine still, but enough of me talking what do you think of Jamie ?" dammit! why is she still going on about him did she not notice the change of subject!

"he seems okay" I say breezily trying to brush her off.

"no no there's more I can feel it"

"he's really okay?" if she doesn't give up now I will run out of here and hide in my next class.

"hmmm I'm not buying it but i can always get you to talk later, you better watch out because top agent Ella is on the case duh nuh nuh nuuuhhh" here we go with the theme tune I swear I hear that everytime i see her .

Me and Ella left the nook after half an hour of talking about anything random. Just to let you know if ever unicorns come out of hiding mine will be called Treacle and Ella's will be called Rosie - when i said random I very much meant it.

My last class was Art I picked it to try to be a little more creative but so far I can only draw mythical creatures meaning Ella shall be getting her very own Rosie this lesson.

I got out my sketching pencils and art book and skipped through for a new page. I started with the head and horn then carried on to sketch the body it came out a little bit chunkier than expected but hey unicorns gotta eat too!

I heard the chair next to me scrape just as I added shadding to Rosies mane. i tilted my head to the side and saw Jamie. What the hell! He must of seem the alarm on my face because he started to speak.

" I'm Jamie and I'll be occupying this seat and i don't care if you mind" wow I have never had a more rude introduction even the kid that threw up on me on halloween because he ate so many sweets a few years back was more polite.

"okay" okay? is that all i could say ? oh well maybe it sounded blow offish like he was acting.

He got out his sketchpad too and started to draw from what i could see he was good within 3 minutes i could see the outline of a city skyline. By the end of the lesson i recognized it to be New York I've only seen pictures but I could tell he was dead accurate.

I walked out of class in a daze Rosie looked like a kids drawing compaired to Jamies. What is it about this guy...?

end of chapter !! :D xxx

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