The Bird

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Once upon a time there was a bird. The bird woke up every morning really early to eat nuggets. It would always get up earlier than anyone so that it could have the best choice of nuggets. It worked very hard, but solemnly got noticed. One day it woke up and there were no nuggets. The other birds realized what it was doing and woke up before it. They ate all the nuggets and laughed at its stupidity. Everyday for the next week, the bird woke up earlier and earlier, but to no avail. The nuggets were gone each morning. The bird lost hope and stopped waking up early each morning for nuggets because it knew there was no point. It stopped working hard because the extra effort helped none. The bird eventually died.

This is how depression feels.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2012 ⏰

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