Chapter One

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Hennessy's POV

One of my Pack members, Jack just helped me to suppress my monster, they have been helping me since I was 12. It was painful at first but I got used to it, because I shouldn't be complaining, I should be grateful to them all. I never met my mum but I was told that she died while giving birth to me and I don't know my father.

My Pack members has been so kind to me since then. I didn't go to school and have any interaction with other packs, I am a secret to the world. Today I am clocking 18 and I was told that my monster has been suppressed so I will be able to become a normal wolf.
Today the Alpha King is visiting my pack so I have a lot of cleaning to do, According to the females in my pack, He is evil and he must not see me or he will kill me because of my monster.

When I was done cleaning, I ran to my room to sleep and waste time till the Alpha King is gone. Getting to my room, I started to feel pain all over my body, I was feeling very uncomfortable, my skin was itching and burning. Few minutes later, I started to feel my bones cracking, but I couldn't scream because if I did, the Alpha King may hear me. 2 minutes after, the pain stopped as my eyes cleared I saw fur, I was confused at first then, I realised that I have turned to a wolf, running to the mirror in my room, I saw my small brown wolf. I smiled..
Wolf don't smile ,a voice said laughing
'Who said that? ! ' I asked panicking
Hi Hennessy,  my name is Hadassah and I am your wolf and I have a lot of things to teach you before we find our mate !! The voice now known as Brandy said rapidly
What's a mate ? I asked
'Mate is the Man that we are supposed to be with for the rest of my lives and we belong to him and he to us. He also has a wolf. He will love us, care for us, and protect us.'
But Hennessy? You have wronged our mate!
Before she could answer someone barged into my room.

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