Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Cas is laughing, Cole is laughing and Katy just sits there in confusion and curiosity. Cas is treating her captor like she would a friend and Katy just can't understand that. Why would Cas be so kind to her torturer? Surely she should hate him. Like Katy resents Richard. Is this some from of Stockholm syndrome? It's certainly something she's never experienced before.

"Okay, why don't you guys start? I'll go park the car and meet you somewhere-"
"We'll be in VS. So just meet us outside at one of the benches-"

Katy snaps out of her daydreaming and hurries out of the car behind Cas. Cas just laughs and waves off Cole as he drives off into the vast parking lot. Then looping an arm through her new found friend, she declares a start on their marathon.

Merely ten minutes in and Katy's eyes keep flickering to a bored looking Cole slumped outside on the benches. A bunch of teens are sitting laughing loudly next to him, texting on their phones and generally messing about in their carefree youth.

"Katy!" hisses Cas, holding up yet another article of scanty clothing.
Lace, silk, string. She knows it all already. It was of course, all Richard had allowed her to have around the house. A lacy pair of underwear and bra, was all she was permitted in the house with him there. So when Cas cooed and pawed over the various ones, Katy can't help but feel nothing other than disgust. She simply can't see the appeal in many of them and she especially doesn't like the far too provocative ones, which wrap around her body like a second skin. The cute girly ones, they're not too bad but it seems Cas isn't too fond of them so Katy simply remains quiet.

Much later, Cas is finally done and hands the 3 bags to Cole, before dragging Katy into the next store. Amazingly, Cole says nothing as he hums along to his music and waits around each shop for them to finish.

An hour later and Cas has bought Katy trousers, tops, undergarments, accessories, shoes...everything but skirts and dresses.

"Done yet, Cas?" Cole asks, struggling with the handfuls of bags.
"Nearly. Just dresses and skirts to go," grins Cas calling back to him.
"Cas, I, um, I'd rather not have dresses," mumbles Katy.
"What? Why not? Every girl should have at least one dress," argues Cas.
"Cas, I just-I can't please. I'm not like you."
"Katy, trust me. You in a dress will have Mason drooling," winks Cas.
"Cas. I don't like it. I'm not you. I don't-I can't be...friends with men that harm me. I'm not that forgiving."

Cas spins around and blinks rapidly a few times at Katy.
"Katy, what actually are you talking about? I don't have anybody that harms me!" hisses Cas looking around, to see if anyone has heard them.
"I-I don't understand. Yesterday-he-"
"Yeah...Katy I thought you understood BDSM," whispers Cas.
"I-I do. It's just that...-"

"Right. Changing rooms now,"

Cas grips Katy's forearm and with clothes in one hand and Katy in another, Cas marches them into the disabled changing room.

"Sit. Now, let's talk," commands Cas. Katy obediently sits on the bench and gazes up at Cas.
"Katy, what happened yesterday...I liked it. Cole wasn't hurting me. He was pleasuring me," says Cas.
"But-you were, screaming. You had your fists clenched. You bargained with him," listed Katy gazing strangely at Cas.
"Honey..."sighs Cas, "You know what, talk to Mason about it-"
"No! No, wait. I'll listen, promise."

"Okay, here's the thing," she breathes, "there's a fine line, between pain and extreme pleasure. A sweet, sweet zap of pure pleasure that sends your toes tingling and body into a blissful frenzy. BDSM is about reaching that line, sometimes pushing it, but definitely reaching it. It's not torture. Only if you cross it, is it considered torture. Katy, I wasn't in pain. I loved it. Can you understand that?"

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