All of your sarcasm, sass and debating skills fail when you are conversing with your parents and you find yourself at your wit's end. You loose the ability to speak when your mother fixes you with the death stare. Decoding your parent's cryptic messages requires a great deal of patience and intellect.
When your father brings up the topic of Sharma ji's family at dinner, it is only to talk about his overachiever son who is studying abroad. When your mother says "maybe", " we will see" or "next time" , it is a no. The tales of your father's golden days are just a reminder that you should never complain about anything because you are privileged. When your mother sweetly asks you to come out of your room , it is because there are guests and you have to pretend to be a loving family.
Parents have a strange way of showing affection as well. When your mother overfeeds you it is not to make you obese, but because she loves you. Your father occassionally gives in to your irrational demands and even sides with you in your arguments with your mother. To conclude, though parents are a bizare species and understanding their vague messages can be quite a handful , it trains you to torture the new generation and gives you some unforgettable memories.
By- Maliha Dhar
What your parents actually mean ❤
Non-FictionParents are life.Without them we are no one.😇