• Truth or Dare?

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Isabella's POV

“Okay, so it’s Saturday night and we all don’t have plans because Ancelotti said we can have a free day" Cristiano says as he walks in the room

Since today is a free day we decided to have a chill day with the players

The guys and I are sitting in Cristiano's living room, just talking

Marcelo replies with "What?" I guess he was too busy playing FIFA with some of the other guys

Cristiano goes into the kitchen and then comes back with a root beer bottle and say, "Truth or dare!"

As he says that, he sits in the middle of the living.

No one argues as everyone else follows. So now everyone is sitting in a circle, around the bottle

It goes: Cristiano, Marcelo, James, Me, Sergio, Iker, and Chicharito

"Okay, because I came up with the idea," Cristiano starts, "I'll spin first."

He gives the bottle a twirl and it slowly stops right on James

"Dare baby!" As expected of James because he was a bit drunk

“Alright,” then Cris looks at me, "I dare you to change clothes with Isabella." Everyone laughs as I look at James. laughing even harder

Cristiano then adds, "Including underwear and bra."

I now felt nervous, but there was no way that I was not going to do it, I mean c'mon James in a bra? priceless.

"Fine! we'll be right back." I grabbed James' hand and headed to the restroom

I go into the bathtub so we won't look at each other

"James" I asked quitely

"Yes?" he responded

"Umm.. can you hand me your boxers?" I bursted out laughing, that wasn't something I said in a daily basis so it was a little weird

He threw his boxers at me and it landed in my face. How nice.

I take his boxers and put them on. The most uncomfortable thing I've ever worn

"Isabella! hand me your bra!" James yelled

"Gosh James your so loud when your drunk" I threw the bra at him and I heard him laugh

When we're done, I open the curtain

I burst out in laughter

"Oh my god! you look ridiculous!" I laugh at him while he models in the restroom

James laughs even harder, "Those pants are so baggy!"

We then get out and walk back downstairs

The guys we're laughing at us, mostly at James.

As soon as we sit down James whispers "You look cute in my clothes" and winks

"You're drunk dumbass" I respond to him and he pouts

James screams, "OKAY!" then spins the bottle

It lands on Marcelo and he automatically says, "Truth"

"Okay, tell Sergio something you've done but never told him. Anything."

Marcelo gives it a think and then starts to laugh

"Um...one time I dropped your toothbrush in toilet" He waited for Sergio's reaction

"What?! and you never told me?!"

Sergio goes over to Marcelo and hits him playfully

“Because I knew you would do this! Okay! Okay!” Marcelo responded

Sergio finally calms down and then says, "Okay it's my turn."

He spins the bottle and it stops on me. again.

"Oh lord" I say out loud

"Alright Bella. What is it going to be?

I reply with a dare

"Okay Isa, I dare you to get a ketchup bottle and squeeze it all over yourself"

My mouth formed an "o" and I was shocked

"Oh come on Sergio, that's gross" I pleaded

"Hey, you chose dare!"

"Ugh" I stick my tongue at him and he smiles

"Love you too"

I go to the kitchen and grab a bottle of ketchup. I stand in front of everyone with a bank expression in my face. I then put the bottle over my head and squeeze it. James starts laughing and I give a death glare

 At the end you can barely see any of my clothing color under all the red

"My clothes!" I hear James yell

"Oops," I say with a smirk "That's for laughing at me"


After the game everyone wasn't drunk anymore. Thank goodness

I walked over to James and saw him still sleeping

"WAKE UP!" I yell and immediately wakes up

"Ow, my head is pounding" he put his arm in his head

"Don't get drunk then" I say in a duh tone

"Don't start with me" He warned me

"Hey i'm going to leave, you want me to drive you?"

"Yes please" James responded

I dropped James off and headed to my house

All of a sudden everything went pitch black...



Anyways I can't thank you guys enough for 1K!!

I love you to the moon 👆 and back 👇

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Anddddd check out my other fanfic, it's a Neymar one

Bye Cupcakes 💘😝


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