My Drawing Process

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Heyo! I'm here to tell you what my drawing process is because I drew an OC that I will never make a story with and decided that it would be fun to explain how I drew it. It wont be super detailed, I'll just tell you my steps. I started this drawing at night so the lighting was crap.

1. Initial Sketch

This is where I put the main features down, like hair, clothes, face and all that.

This is where I put the main features down, like hair, clothes, face and all that

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2. Inking / Lining.

I then ink the main lines so that I have like the main "shape" of the drawing. This part is the most stress inducing for me because one mistakes ruins the entire thing.

I messed up in this drawing on the feet (i cant draw feet) and slightly kn the coat and eyes

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I messed up in this drawing on the feet (i cant draw feet) and slightly kn the coat and eyes. And yes, the sword isn't straight as well.

3. Additional features.

I don't do this step everytime but if there is a pattern of more intricate designs in the drawing, I sketch it at this point in pencil.

I had to draw really intricate roses on the "coat"

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I had to draw really intricate roses on the "coat". At this point, I plan the background or if the character has a name, how it's going to be displayed. I added his last name after I took the picture so sorry.

4. Colouring.

Depending on my medium, I colour differently. This time, I used colour pencils. With colour pencils, I usually start light before adding layers of colours.

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