chapter 6

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I opened the door and to see memphitz there omg memphitz

Memphitz: thats right baby im back

Kmichelle : look u need to leave

Aj: mommie

Memphitz: o look at Kmichelle she got another son and she looking fine as ever so who I hear u have a man now

Kmichelle : memphitz u need to go now

Aj : mommie

Kmichelle : sweetie go play ok mommie be right there

Aj : ok

Kmichelle : look Memphitz I don't know what you want but whatever it is u ain't getting

Memphitz: same old k get her ass beat for saying some slick shit (grab k by her arm) ill be back(leaves)

Once he left I locked the door quickly and I called to set up security alarm ik I cant tell august what happened cuz he will probably kill him so I just decided to keep to my myself today was august last day of his tour thank God now I dont have to worried being alone

4 weeks later
I was laying down while august was in the shower memphitz keeps coming by each chance he gets I'm so scared and I haven't told august but I think he getting a hint there something wrong with me but I keeping brushing it off my thoughts were cut off when august walked in the room

August : hey ma

Kmichelle : hey

August : whats wrong with u

Kmichelle : nun bae I promise

August : look k I know u and I know when there something wrong with u

Kmichelle : nun

I can tell he was getting mad

August : look k I've been walking around on egg shells for 3 and a half weeks cuz u been acting so weird so what's wrong with u look bae u can tell me anything ma

Kmichelle : u remember my ex memphitz

August : yeah that abusive nigga

Kmichelle : he found me and he keeps popping up every chance he gets

August : u want me to handle that nigga for u

Kmichelle : no no august just leave

August are u sure

Kmichelle : yeah  o and I got a text from Nick saying that u guys are still together but I don't believe it

Kmichelle : august is it true

August : look I told her that because I want her to stop bugging me

Kmichelle : really august

August : really look I only want u not her

Kmichelle : yeah right

The next day

Every since I found out what august told nicki  me and him haven't been the same we've been getting into all the time I just cant do it any more aurally we arguing right now

August : loom k I really don't feel like talking about this

Kmichelle : as long as that bitch is in the picture things are never gonna change and why u didn't tell me that u told her that

August : the same reason why u didn't tell me about memphitz

Kmichelle : so u wanna take shots why did u sleep with her while we were together

August : ok why did u leave and take my son

Kmichelle : why didn't u brother to come see him

August : I did but u didn't answer my calls I even came to the house u never let me in at least nicki let me see my son at least she was there for me unlike u

There was silence between us for a min

Kmichelle : u know what I think we rushed into a relationship and we still haven't dealt with our issues so maybe we should take a break and just co parent

August : fine but I want u to stay in alanta u can find u a place here so I can see my son but until then u can stay in the guest house

Kmichelle : fine

So I packed my stuff and my son's stuff and moved to the quest house I love August but nicki is causing us to fall apart and we are causing us to fall apart but for now were over and were just gonna co parent but I'm all good with that cuz my son needs a father figure in his life but I guess this is what u call love and war but sometimes its better to break up then to try to fix it

k michelle and august love story ( Book 2 )Where stories live. Discover now