Chapter 2

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||A/N: Just to let you all know this is not gonna be another Leon series...mostly because in this storyline we all know the reader here will become a BSAA agent later so like...there's not much of a way (on my end) to tell a story of how a BSAA agent and someone of the DSO in the future would get together or something. Course if you readers have the whole timeline in the right order I might just THINK ABOUT writing it but don't get your hopes up okay?||

Whoever it was that the bastard shot you and Jill had to focus on helping to get the train back on and moving so the survivors could get out of this city alive and hopefully you too as well...honestly though you were hoping your family was among the survivors...and if they weren't you held hope that they at least decided to get out of the city before any of this happened.

'That's the hope though...' You thought with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Jill asked.
"I'm just worried about my parents..." You sighed.
"I'm sure they're alright, your family can take care of themselves." Jill replied trying to ease your worries.
"Yeah...they were the people who taught me everything I they should be out of the city by now..." You replied with a short nod of your head.

Yeah...that's all you had to force your brain to grasp, they were alright your family was safely outside of the city. Taking a deep breath then let it out you joined Jill once more to get things done.

Getting back into the motions of what was needed to be done you and Jill focused back on hopefully finding a way to restore power, so both of you women ran up the steps where that idiot went and quickly ran down the second set of stairs, passing through the alleyways later was sounded with two howels of dogs.

After that two dogs ran into view and they didn't look friendly due to a split second of sight where no flesh was on them...infected dogs too?! Not liking it at all you and Jill sadly had to put them down to avoid getting bit.

"I really don't like it that it affects dogs too." You sighed.
"Well once we're finished here let's take Umbrella down," Jill tells.
"Yeah." You agreed.

Wasn't a 'secret' that you had a huge soft spot for animals, and apparently they loved you back cause before the city became like this the people in S.T.A.R.S would see (whenever they went out on 'patrol' with you) how much any animal loved you due to interaction.

Running down the path the two of you made a quick left turn and had noticed the tower up ahead, heading inside there were a few zombies in which were easily taken down due to you both working together with quick thinking and rushed up the stairs to the control room of the place.

"Think you could hack into this?" Jill asked.
"I might but judging from this I'll need the power on." You sighed as you checked the monitors a few times.
"Which means going through all that..." Jill pointed out.
"Oh boy..." You sighed.
"Well, we've faced things worse right?" Jill asked trying to 'lighten' the mood.
"Only one way to find out." You shrugged your shoulders.

Stepping out of that room proved to be a huge mistake as the smell of...whatever the fuck it was entered your nose and boy did it smell so damn bad that you and Jill weren't able to name what it was that it all smelled like....oh god...

Two green herbs were in front of both you, taking them you carefully pulled the leaves off the stems and placed them in different cloths...well ones you had left as Jill found a lock pick in some box in the hands of a dead guy who's stomach suddenly blew open as tiny spider-like creatures ran off.

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