If ___ dies

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If Kai dies
Jay- will cry. Will be an emotional support for Nya. Will have to pin Nya down if someone says his name in a mean or disrespectful way.
Cole- won't be able to process that he's gone. Will cry. Will be comforting Zane and Lloyd.
Zane- will cry. Will be the emotional support for the others. Will comfort Nya.
Lloyd- will cry. Kai is like an older brother to him. Won't be able to watch if Nya has to be pinned down.
Nya- will cry. Will blame herself and believe that it should have been her. Will have to be pinned down by Jay. Gets hugs from everyone all the time. She will beat up anyone who mentions his name in an insensitive way. Has to sleep with Kai's childhood plushie, Flame.
Morro- will comfort Lloyd. Will provide "therapy sessions" for Nya and Skylor
Skylor- will cry. Won't be able to process that he has gone. Will have to be pinned down by Pixal and Seliel. She will beat up anyone who mentions his name in an insensitive way.
Pixal- will cry. Will be Zane's emotional support.
Seliel- will cry. Helps to comfort Nya and Skylor. Is ready to give anyone hugs.

If Jay dies
Kai- will cry. Will be sorry for Nya. Won't leave Nya alone. Will constantly provide hugs for Nya and Cole.
Cole- will cry as Jay was his best friend. Will try and be strong in front of Nya.
Zane- will cry. Will be an emotional support for Cole. Will provide hugs.
Lloyd- will cry. Will be an emotional support for everyone.
Nya- will cry a lot. Won't leave her room. Kai has to drag her out to eat something. Will have to be pinned down if she becomes really upset or someone says Jay's name in an insensitive way.
Morro- will cry. Will comfort Cole and Lloyd. Will end up providing "therapy sessions" for Cole to help him avoid becoming depressed and mute.
Skylor- will cry. Will comfort Nya.
Pixal- will cry. Will comfort Nya.
Seliel- will cry. Will become Cole's emotional support and never leave him alone.

If Cole dies
Kai- will cry. Will be an emotional support for Seliel. Will be really sorry for Seliel.
Jay- will cry, Cole was his best friend. Will be really sorry for Seliel. Helps Kai pin Seliel down if she gets really upset.
Zane- will cry. Will be an emotional supporter. Will be really sorry for Seliel. Won't let anyone eat cake.
Lloyd- will cry. Will be an emotional supporter. Will be really sorry for Seliel.
Nya- will cry. Will be an emotional supporter for Jay. Will be really sorry for Seliel.
Morro- will cry. Cole and Morro bonded over being ghosts and became really good friends. Will comfort Maria. Will provide "therapy sessions" for Seliel.
Skylor- will cry. Will be comforted by Kai. Will comfort Nya.
Pixal- will cry. Will comfort Seliel.
Seliel- will cry a lot. Will just burst into tears at any time. Will cry into anyone's shoulder. Will only wear Cole's clothes around the house. Will become mute.

If Zane dies (again)
Kai- will cry a lot. Zane was his best friend. Will be comforted by Nya and Skylor.
Jay- will cry. Will help comfort Pixal. Will help Nya find a way to bring him back.
Cole- will cry. Will comfort Kai. Will help Jay pin Pixal down.
Lloyd- will cry. Will be comforted by Morro.
Morro- will cry. will comfort Lloyd.
Skylor- will cry. Will comfort Kai and Pixal.
Pixal- will cry. Will be comforted by Jay, Nya, Skylor and Seliel. Will have to be pinned down by Jay and Cole if anyone mentions Zane's name in an insensitive way.
Nya- will cry. Will comfort Kai. Will help Jay to find a way to bring Zane back.
Seliel- will cry. Will help comfort Pixal.

If Lloyd dies
Kai- will cry. Lloyd is like a little brother to him. Will be comforted by Skylor.
Jay- will cry. Will try and stay strong in front of Nya. Will give anyone hugs.
Cole- will cry. Will be an emotional support for Kai and Morro.
Zane- will cry. Will be an emotional support for Kai.
Nya- will cry. Lloyd was like an older brother to her. Will be hugged by Kai, Jay and Cole.
Morro- will cry a lot. Lloyd is like a cousin to him (it's explained in the Lloyd and Morro head cannons). Will be comforted by Seliel and Cole. Cole will give Morro "therapy sessions" with Seliel.
Skylor- will cry. Will comfort Kai and Nya.
Pixal- will comfort Zane and Nya.
Seliel- will cry. Will try and stay strong in front of Kai and Nya. Will comfort Morro. Will give Morro "therapy sessions" with Cole.

If Nya dies
Kai- will cry a lot. Will blame himself and believe that it should have been him. Will have to be pinned down by Cole and Zane. Gets hugs from everyone all the time. He sleeps with Nya's childhood blanket.
Jay- will cry a lot. He will also blame himself for her death. Gets hugs from everyone.
Cole- will cry. Nya was like a little sister to him. Will be pinning Kai down and will be comforting Jay.
Zane- will cry. Will be an emotional supporter for everyone (but mostly Kai). Will have to pin Kai down.
Lloyd- will cry a lot. Nya was like a younger sister to him. Won't be able to watch when Kai or Jay get pinned down. Will be comforted by Morro.
Morro- will cry. Will be comforting Lloyd and Maria. Will provide "therapy sessions" for the pair of them.
Skylor- will cry. Nya is practically Skylor's younger sister. Will comfort Kai.
Pixal- will cry. Will comfort Skylor.
Seliel- will cry a lot. Nya was like a little sister to her. Won't let anyone but Jay near Nya's mechs. Will help comfort Kai and Skylor.

If Morro dies
Kai- will cry. Will be sorry for Cole, Lloyd and Seliel. Will comfort Lloyd.
Jay- will cry. Will be sorry for Cole, Lloyd and Seliel. Will comfort Cole.
Cole- will cry. Cole and Morro bonded over being ghosts and became really good friends. Will comfort Seliel (they have long crying sessions together).
Zane- will cry. Will feel sorry for Cole, Lloyd and Seliel. Will comfort Cole.
Lloyd- will cry. Morro is like a cousin to him. Will be comforted by Kai and Nya.
Nya- will cry. Will feel sorry for Cole, Lloyd and Seliel. Will comfort Lloyd.
Skylor- will cry. Will be sorry for Cole, Lloyd and Seliel. Will comfort Seliel.
Pixal- will cry. Will be sorry for Cole, Lloyd and Seliel. Will comfort Seliel.
Seliel- will cry. Will be comforted by Cole.

If Skylor dies
Kai- will never stop crying. Won't be able to process that she's gone. Will be comforted by Nya and Lloyd. Will have to be pinned down by Zane and Cole. Will beat up anyone who says her name in an insensitive way.
Jay- will cry. Will be sorry for Kai and Nya. Will comfort Nya.
Cole- will cry. Will have to pin down Kai. Will help comfort, Kai.
Zane- will cry. Will have to pin Kai down. Will comfort Pixal.
Lloyd- will cry. Will comfort Kai and Nya.
Nya- will cry. Skylor is like an older sister (and they are most likely to end up sisters in law). Will comfort Kai and be comforted by Lloyd.
Pixal- will cry. Skylor was her best friend. Will be comforted by Zane and Seliel.
Morro- will comfort Kai.
Seliel- will cry. Will comfort Pixal.

If Pixal dies
Kai- will cry. Will have to pin Zane down. Will comfort Skylor.
Jay- will cry. Will comfort Zane.
Cole- will cry. Will have to pin Zane down.
Zane- will cry all the time. Will have to be pinned down by Kai and Cole. He'll become mute.
Lloyd- will cry. Will comfort Nya.
Nya- will cry. Will comfort Skylor and be comforted by Lloyd.
Morro- will comfort Zane.
Skylor- will cry. Will be comforted by Kai, Nya and Seliel.
Seliel- will cry. Will comfort Skylor.

If Seliel dies
Kai- will cry. Won't take his hoodies back. Will have to pin down Cole. Will comfort Nya and Cole.
Jay- will cry. Will be comforted by, and comfort, Nya.
Cole- Won't stop crying. Will have to be pinned down by Zane and Morro. Will be comforted by Kai and Morro. Morro and Cole have crying sessions together. Will beat up anyone who mentions her name in an insensitive way. Will become mute
Zane- will cry. Will comfort Jay and Cole. Will have to pin Cole down.
Lloyd- will cry. Will have to pin Jay down. Will comfort Nya and Morro.
Nya- will cry. Will be comforted by Kai and Lloyd. Will comfort Jay.
Morro- will cry. Will have to pin Cole down. Morro and Cole have crying sessions together. Will comfort Cole. Will be comforted by Cole and Lloyd.
Skylor- will cry. Will comfort Nya.
Pixal- will cry. Will comfort Nya.

*Morro's therapy sessions include Morro forcing the person to sit down and forcing them to talk. Or he will sit with them in absolute silence until they open up to him.*

I got the inspiration from marsy-'s head cannon book!

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