679 33 17

"MY FIRST" Yena suddenly jump out of nowhere

"Yena! You scared me!" Chaewon pouted. Yena giggled by the reaction

"Nah, it is my first day cleaning toilet after a few months. I get too excited but the toilet was too clean so I wipe the window for you" Yena said while smiling to her fellow member

Thinking of the faint voice earlier, Chaewon ask Yena about it

"Nope. Not me. I maybe like to tease you but I didnt say anything and didnt hear anything too"

Feeling a little bit afraid, Chaewon decided to go to the living room with her other members and draging along Yena with her

Without anyone noticing, the doll change its position and stare at those two getting out from the room

"My... first... is... going... to... fall... like... a... petal... from... the flower"


"Okey everyone, thank you cleaning the dorm today" Eunbi said while looking at the group

Everyone cheered happily and started to do their own business

"Unnie, we are running out of eggs" Chaeyeon said to Eunbi while trying to see the other ingredients are enough to make some food for the members

"Hmmm.... Chaewon and Yujin, can you go to the grocery store?" The eldest looking at the two members who was practically playing around the dorm

"Sure no problem" both of them said


After listing things that they need to buy, Chaewon and Yujin quickly went to the grocery store

The store is not far from their dorm so they decided to walk to the place rather than call their manager to drive them to the place

But the street seems a bit off this day

It was so calm and quiet. Chaewon seems to notice the difference of the street that she began to feel very uneasy about it

Luckily, Yujin is there to make her feel better. As they passing a road, Chaewon saw a child standing in the middle of the street

The child was smiling at her. Her appreance also seems quite normal so Chaewon decided to smile back and wave at her. But then she saw a car sprinting behind the child

"Unnie, what is wrong? Who are you waving at" Yujin look at her

Without a warning, Chaewon run to the child and tried to save her

But when she was at the child's spot, the child is already dead. Her blood painted the street. Her bones could be wrecked into a thousand piece

Chaewon shivered and fall onto the ground. She is too scared to move. Without she noticing, a car was heading towards her


(Author's note)
Hello there
I am very sorry to write this thing

Again, it is just a story and it has nothing to do in real life

Sorry if the chapter is too short🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

I wanted to make it longer but im afraid if the story is getting off the topics

Please enjoy🦉🦉🦉

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