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Monday morning came and Harry's mood, which had been marginally improved by his conversation with Malfoy, rapidly took a nosedive.

First of all he had taken only a few steps out of West Tower when a brazen first year with chubby cheeks and madly curly brown hair stopped him to ask for his autograph. He declined as politely as he could and then had turned to hide behind Ron and Hermione but found he couldn't; they had wandered off hand in hand and not noticed that Harry was being assaulted by a brash and scarily determined eleven year old.

They apologised profusely when Harry reached the breakfast table and told them what had happened, but before he could be comforted by their apologies and feel much better, another brash and scarily determined person sat next to him with an unmistakable air of meaning business.

"Where have you been?" Ginny asked Harry with a smile, reaching out to take a piece of toast. "I've been trying to collar you since we got back; you know I'm not allowed in West Tower."

Harry looked over to Ron and Hermione but abandoned his plan of giving them the 'help me out I really don't want to be having this conversation' look when he saw them sat head to head, smiling together, talking softly about something or other.

"It's been busy, Gin," Harry said apologetically. "Everything's still all over the place, I mean, it doesn't feel like things have settled back yet."

"Oh," she said quietly and Harry inwardly winced at her tone and his choice of words. He had of course seen her after the final battle but simply hadn't had the time to sort things out with her. He had managed to have a half hearted conversation with her one rainy afternoon before he had to go off to the Ministry, and had promised he would pick things back up with her when the commotion had all died down.

"So...you've not thought about anything?" she asked him cautiously.

"I've not had the time," Harry said moodily.

"You've had time to start playing Quidditch again..." Ginny began bluntly but didn't continue that line of conversation, possibly because of the look on Harry's face.

"I heard you'd had a rough week," she said hesitantly, changing tactics. "Is there anything I can do?"

Her words were gentle and sweet and shouldn't have made Harry flare up with simmering rage again, but they did. He didn't need people to keep doing stuff for him, he was more than capable of looking after himself if they'd just let him, it was getting ridiculous.

"No," he said shortly.

"OK, I was only offering," Ginny said, holding her hands up defensively.

"Well, don't," Harry snapped. "I don't want you running round after me, I don't need it."

"Harry, come on. Stop it. You deserve-"

"If you say I deserve everyone doing everything for me, god help me I will hex you," Harry said, his temper finally spilling over and causing him to stand up and grab his bag, abandoning his breakfast.


He wasn't sure if it were Ginny or Hermione who had called after him, sounding scandalised, and he didn't turn around to find out. Instead he stormed out of the Hall, knocking over a pair of third year Ravenclaws on his way through the front doors of the castle.

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