In the Middle of the Night...

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Bella: There's something underneath my bed! This is so.silly! There's nothing under my bed

(She sighs)

Bella: I'm going back and I'm going to sleep!

(She heads to bed, but sees the monster again)

Bella: There is something under my bed! It's got a head and a body and two big eyes.

Gran: Are you alright there?

Bella: No Gran, I'm not. I mean Yes, Thanks Gran.

Gran: Oh, OK. Night-Night, Sleep Tight. Make sure the bugs don't bite!

Bella: Don't mind the bugs! What about that thing underneath my bed? There's no use getting into it, I know I can't sleep!

Bella: The children sleep in the middle of the night

The children sleep in the middle of the night

The children sleep in the middle of the night

In the middle of the night

Daniel: The stars come out in the middle of the night

Jake: The stars come out in the middle of the night

The stars come out in the middle of the night

Bella: And the children sleep

Daniel, Bella, and Jake: In the middle of the night

Fizz: The moon shines down in the middle of the night

The moon shines down in the middle of the night

The moon shines down

Daniel and Jake: And the stars come out

Bella: And the children sleep

Daniel, Bella, Fizz, and Jake: In the middle of the night

Milo: The owl goes hoo hoo in the middle of the night

The owl goes hoo hoo in the middle of the night

The owl goes hoo hoo

Fizz: And the moon shines down

Daniel and Jake: And the stars come out

Bella: And the children sleep

Daniel, Bella, Milo, Fizz, and Jake: In the middle of the night

Daniel: I love that song! I want it to continue so I can sing it together

(Cut to the Night Sky with Daniel and the Tweenies)

Bella: Wow! We're together so we can make more verses!

Jake: The monsters come in the middle of the night

The monsters come in the middle of the night

The monsters come

Milo: And the owl goes hoo hoo

Fizz: And the moon shines down

Daniel: And the stars come out

Bella: And the children sleep

All: In the middle of the night

Fizz: There's a tapping noise in the middle of the night

There's a tapping noise in the middle of the night

There's a tapping noise

Jake: and the monsters come

Milo: And the owl goes hoo hoo

Fizz: And the moon shines down

Daniel: And the stars come out

Bella: And the children sleep

In the middle of the night

Milo: The dragon roars in the middle of the night

The dragon roars in the middle of the night

The dragon roars

Fizz: There's a tapping noise

Jake: and the monsters come

Milo: And the owl goes hoo hoo

Fizz: And the moon shines down

Daniel: And the stars come out

Bella: And the children sleep

All: In the middle of the night

Bella: Something's looking underneath the bed

Something's looking underneath the bed

Something's looking underneath the bed

Milo: And the dragon roars

Fizz: There's a tapping noise

Jake: and the monsters come

Milo: And the owl goes hoo hoo

Fizz: And the moon shines down

Daniel: And the stars come out

Bella: And the children sleep

All: In the middle of the night

In the middle of the night

(Daniel and the Tweenies yawn, get into their beds, turn off their lights, and fall asleep)

Daniel Tiger and the Tweenies - Night Time MagicWhere stories live. Discover now