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Musa was trying to defeat banshee but couldn't!!

Aisha came out with the alligator man and crocodile man and so did the rest of the girls

Jim: so the the brothers are finally back together

Smee hid behind Jim

Smee: chill chill chill you don't need such a reaction

Jim: we didnt and prison your brother in a cage it was the queen who did!!

You ran up to defend him

You: I wouldn't move closer!! Don't you dare attack him!!

Jim gave you a smile

Flora: were all on the same team now to defeat the queen

You went up to Jim and held his hand!!

Jim: I'm glad you realised it
Now we got two more people on our team

Tecna: Okay now we can go back to Earth!!! We have to find matt

Jim; you are chasing impossible Dream but the world of dreams is at stake right now

You held Jim's hands

You: When the queen sees Matt she'll turn back into Tinkerbell!!!

Jim: You might be right but who knows where this boy could be!!

Musa threw an attack at banshee but it didn't work!!

But then she got the bell and banshee plugged her ears

Musa: of course you don't like a Melody!!

She then defeated banshee with music!!

The sport of the world of dreams called us

Sport: three mermaids have escaped because the queen from their lagoon into the hostile place you see now they found shelter in the city where you are now!!

They're able to take human form and charm people just to have fun the Earth can't how's them!!

Stella: I have an idea now trust me!!

Queen: Bloom and Musa defeated their Nemesis but Stella won't be lucky!! I just need to find her weak point!

She seems like she only has good qualities she's so awesome optimistic full of energy happy

Stella: I'll show you how a mermaid thinks and moves
This way we will guess we're they are hiding

Bloom: what's doing inside the Winx mobile so we don't get fans surrounding us

Stella: no way we'll fit in with a crowd ready for a casual look!!

Stella: mermaids want to be admired those three girls could be our target oh wait no mermaid dogdes water like that

Flora: What about those three!!

Stella: Flora your amazing that could be them

Flora: Wait no that girl is bothered by water!!

You: what's a mermaid really interested in Stella

Stella: charming being interested and praised

You: Reminds me of someone

Just then a purple colored hair girl bumped into Stella on purpose to walk to somewhere

Stella: Girls I think I found them!!

The girls then jumped in the water and slashed people then started enchanting people to play with them but then the police crash their party and the mermaids teleported somewhere

Mermaids went to a pool party -indicated Aisha

Bloom: let's split up!!

You grabbed Stella's hand you wanted her to have fun and not be upset with anything the girls said

You: I have a crush on Jim

Stella: I KNEW IT!!!

Yay I was right I wasssssss riiiiiight!!!!!

Hey look there they are

Stella: Hi we lost are friends can we join you!!

Pink girl: Aaah your voice is so scratchy

Stella: the music so loud at scream to be heard

Pink girl: I was wish music was even louder so we didn't have to hear you

You: Hey you cant-

Stella: SHHH I got this

Stella: Then let's go dance!!

Pink girl: dance with you did you even look at your clothes!!

Stella then got a flashback

Younger Stella: I just wanna have lunch with you!!

Girl: are you an idiot? We don't want to have a loser I don't lunch table like you around!!

Stella started crying

You: Stella it's okay your perfect the way you are!!!

Those mermaids are idiots!!

Queen: finally that's your weakness!!

Bloom: Stella are you okay

You: Stella-

Stella:; yeah  fine I found them there right there!! Wait where did they go!! there they are

the mermaids made everyone going to the pool they were hypnotized they were about to get shocked when crocodile man and alligator man came and helped the Winx!!

The mermaid: There fairies they must have been sent by the queen to take us back to the lagoon!!!

They ran but almost fell

Mermaid: You saved us!?

Thank you

We didn't mean to cause trouble we thought you were the Queen's allies

We will find Jim and offer are help like you said!!

Bloom: the more us the better

Mermaids: thanks for all you've done for us!!

Stella: and now back to looking for Matt

Musa: I'll use my Harmony spell to find Matt but I need absolute silence!! found him!!!

Instead the lynx found his answering machine

and somebody wanted to kidnap Matt

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