love letters.

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Story concept:

Where taehyung writes love letters to his crush.






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That was three common things taehyung had. He wasn't a popular student at all, rather the opposite.

He was the school's punching bag. He was invisible to all...except when they tell him to do their homework or steal lunch money.

One of kim taehyung's bullies was jeon jeongguk.

Which happen to be...

....his crush.

Yep, he fell for him.

For his looks and everything else. Taehyung thinks that behind that bad boy attitude is a good heart.


After another session of beating up, taehyung gets up from the floor and wipes the blood of his mouth. He had a bruise on his cheek and a new cut on his mouth.

He comes to class and turns out his late.

"Kim taehyung, why are you late?" The teacher said tapping her nails on her table.

"Umm...i-i'm sorry, i w-was in the b-bathroom" taehyung said looking down.

"Ok, since you are my top student i will let you slide..THIS time only" the teacher said letting taehyung in.

He nervously goes to his seat, students eyeing on him like a prey. It made him feel weak.

He looked at the very back of the classroom and saw his crush, jeongguk looking at him with a smirk.

He looked down and sat down on his chair.

As the teacher was discussing, taehyung felt a paper ball hit his head. He turned back and saw jeongguk say something.

"Open it" jeongguk mouthed.

Taehyung smile thinking that jeongguk finally noticed him. He unfolded the paper ball and his smile dropped. What was written was...

.... IDIOT

Taehyung turned back again and saw jeongguk laughing silently with his friends.

Taehyng's hands tighten, slowly breaking the note but he stopped. He folded the paper and wiped his eyes since it started to water.

He kept the letter.


It was his a letter from jeongguk. Even though it said negative things, he still love the boy.


The class finally ended and all tje students went out for lunch imcluding jeongguk...well, except for taehyung. He was still on his chair.

He grabbed his bag and got a letter out. It was inside a purple envelope. His favorite color. He went to the very back of the classroom.

He went to jeongguk's seat and placed the letter on his seat.

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