Chapter VI

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He was a king with out a partner,

Cruel and hated

That's why they threw him to the Lions


Frankie POV

I was awake, listening to the wolf silently cry. Brian was cuddled in my arm's, his breathing even. Mieca had returned and just sat on his bed. The sound of quiet sobs silently echoed through the room.

Mieca may act all tuff and scary. But he did this every night. Just sat on his bed and cried himself to sleep. He cried over a boy named Isaak. The picture that I had found tightly clunched in his hands. Isaak looked a little like Scar. But he had been younger, with more of an innocent look. I was half tempted to ask Mieca who Isaak was, but I didn't want to freak him out.
I could tell that Mieca was hurting inside. Broken and bruised for whatever reason.

I heard another sob, which was louder than usual. Echo through the quiet room. Minutes of this passed, than Mieca went quiet all together. I opened one of my eye's to see that he had fallen asleep. Rising off of the bed slowly, I got up and walked over to Mieca's bed. I grabbed the picture from him and laid it on his night stand. Taking the white sheets, I covered him up.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't care for my roommate. He may be a grouch and a scary savage lone alpha wolf, but he was just as broken as the rest of the students here. I stalked back to my bed and lay back down with Brian. Closing my eye's, I fell asleep.


(Play the video at the top!)

Ronan POV

I shut the door as Frankie and Brian left. I wasn't going to class today, no today I was staying in my room. I walkef over and set down on my bed. Today was the day that he had died. The day that I had made the biggest mistake of my life.

(Flash back)

I stood next to the boys. Benjie, Lucas, Sammy, Kit and Isaak. We had discussed the plan. When our gang, the Guardian Angel's, rival got here. We would open fire, hitting as many as we could. There were three squads, consisting of at least 20 people each. Squad one was at the end of the West alley, squad two was at the opening at the northern part of the alley, and squad three was hidden behind me and the boys.

When our rivals got here, and we shot off that was the signal for the squads to enter the fight. This was a great plan. Sammy called it the cornered rat. I walked over to Isaak.

"What do you think?" I asked him. Isaak had curly blond hair with blue ends, he had a childish face and innocent eye's. He smiled at me.

"I think that it's great, but don't you think that we should hang back with squad three?" Isaak asked. I laughed.

"No! We are gods! There's no way that these rats could beat us!" I said. Isaak sighed and walked up to me. He quickly kissed me, and pulled back. "What was that for?" I asked. Isaak smiled.

"Just in case I don't make it," he replied sadly. I shook my head and played with his hair.

"You'll make it love, I promise," I said. Isaak smiled, but I could tell that he didn't believe me.

"I love you Ronan," he whispered. I was about to say the same, but a shot rang out. I turned to see Lucas shooting at a gang of Rats. I quickly pulled out my gun. Before I could say no, the squads jumped out and started firing. Before we knew it we were walled in on all sides.

Body's of my comrades dropped to the ground. The smell of blood and gun powder was thick in the air. A scream rang out. I turned to see Isaak. Blood was dripping from his chest, I screamed 'no'. As soon as I went to move to catch Isaak, I felt a blinding pain on my side. I put my  hand to my side, turning to see Lucas. He was holding a gun that had smoking coming from the barrel. I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground. I saw Isaak, a tear made its way out of the corner of his eye. His hand was reached out towards me, I grabbed his hand and held it. My mind went blank and my vision faded. I could have sworn that I heard Lucas calling for the other's. But my last thought was on Isaak. Then my world went black.

My mind faded in and out. I would wake up, only to return seconds later to the darkness. When I had full opened my eye's, I waa staring at a white ceiling. There was a terribly annoying beeping sound. My side hurt horribly and I could barely move. I looked to my left to see my Mum. Her brown hair was up in a bun and she had bags under her eyes. She looked horrible. To my right was Sammy and Benjie. Lucas was no where to be seen, neather was Isaak. I was guessing he was in his own room.

"Mum," I said, my throat sore. My mum's eyes shot open and she jumped up. Grabbing my hand. There were tears in her eye's. "Where is he?" I asked. She shook his head.

"Where is Isaak?" I asked again.

"Honey I am so sorry." My heart broke. I began to sob, which only intensified the pain in my side. I cried myself back to sleep, my heart heavy with grief.

(Six month later)

I stood in the rain. My hair and suite being plastered to my body. I watched as they lowered the coffin, watched as Isaak's parents threw dirt on it. Watched as Sammy and Benjie did the same. When it was my turn, I just stood there. Instead of dirt, I threw down a ring. It was black with silver knifes carved in the band. I had given it to Isaak for our one year anniversary. He had given me a matching one that I was now wearing around my neck on a chain. It landed with a thunk. I tried my hardest to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. But failed and started sobing. I watched as the men filled the rest of the grave, watched as the crowd dispersed. Leaving me alone, in the rain at the grave of my one and only love.

"I-" my voice cracked, "I'm sorry!" I said, falling down on my knees in the dirt. I slammed my hand on the dirt and screamed at the sky. Crying at the world and god for taking away my Isaak. "I should have listened to you. I should have told you." My throat began to hurt from me crying. "I should have told you how much I love you!" My heart broke, my mind was heavy with grief. My whole world caved in on me, making me collapse under the pressure. I would have to live with this never ending pain. Knowing that I had killed Isaak, destoryed his chance at a happy life.

I lay down on the fresh grave. Drowning in my sorrows and the pelting rain. My side still hurt. The doctor had said that it would scar and the scar would never fade. I was stuck with a reminder of my mistake's and of the many deaths that I had caused. I was a monster. A fallen angel from the heavens, with broken wings and a hurting heart. I was no God. I was the angel who turned against their God and got them killed. I was a monster, forever alone and hurting.

Author's note: What'd you think? I left out some minor details in the flash back. That you will learn about some other time

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