Chapter 3

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If OUR love~ is tragedy then
Why are u my remedy ~?

This is the moment we all have been waiting for

As the cheers swelled up to roar, I looked forward to see....

Him, aiming the ball towards the hoop

But my heart skipped a beat when his eyes scanned the front row and suddenly made an eye contact with me

Oh. My. Gosh.

He just did not mouth 'happy birthday' then make the goal?! That's a damn perfect score I—

Not only am I physically deaf because of the loud screams but mentally too, cause right now all I can do is breath heavily wishing  for my heart to calm down.

He just wished me before making a perfect score, d-does that mean that goal was for me?

Omg calm down Y/n please calm down.

I bit my lips trying to prevent from squealing , and when I looked at him again,

I bit my lips trying to prevent from squealing , and when I looked at him again,

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Tae: 😉


That....really happened

End of Y/n P.O.V.

As you hid your face on Mimo's shoulder and let out a quiet squeal, Tae's smirk didn't go unnoticed by his friends as well as Mimo.

Cute ,  He thought.

When they got a half time, Tae, Jimin, Yoongi, Baekyun, Chanyeol, and Chen along with some other teammates came towards you guys.

You and Mimo are friends with pretty much all of them, you're just a little shy around Taehyung since he's your crush.

They took their water bottle from Jennie and Jisoo, the Kim cousins. They are pretty close with them too.
You've only exchanged some greetings with those girls, that's all.

"Thank you...." a small murmur interrupted their small chattering.

They looked at the person only to smile in awe seeing a shy Y/n.

Seeing the rare sight, a knowing smirk formed in all of their faces except Y/n, and one other girl.

"You're welcome, sweet cheeks" chuckled Tae

Y/n: "wha—?"

"you're blushing"  Mimo replied with an eye roll followed by a soft chuckle

Y/n: 😳 (why is their half time so long God save me)

And with that said, the coach blows the whistle indicating the next half of begins.

The rest of the game went smoothly, with everyone cheering for their favourite team and Tae's team winning.

Baekhyun: "Thanks for coming guys!"

Chanyeol: "yeah, I'm so happy we made it through the first round, couldn't have done it without u guys!"

Y/n: "yea, we are the ones who played the game after all, right? 🙄"

Mimo: "oh look I guess you're normal now, since your sarcasm is back"

Y/n: "what do u mean—-"

"tHaNk YoU" Mimo mocked Y/n

Y/n: "y-yah!"

And all of them burst into gleeful laughters.

Tae: "say, Y/n, how about we make a bet? It's your birthday today, let's go to the restaurant near the Central Park and discuss about it!"

Everyone except Yoongi: "yay! sounds like a plan!!"

I Hate You, My Love || Taehyung ff||Where stories live. Discover now