We're just getting started

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  Katsuki flagged down a cab. Eijiro watched him get in, spacing out before hurrying to the other side. Hands flat on his thighs, he faced the window.. unable to focus on anything blurring by.
Do it? Do what? IT-it?
He panned slowly to steal a glance at Katsuki, who was distracted shoving his phone into his pocket.. until he wasn't.
  Two pairs of red eyes locked onto each other, both with too many thoughts behind them to be read.
  The cab driver had barely slowed to a stop when Katsuki handed over the fare and got out. The slam of the door made Eijiro jump and turn to open his, just to find Katsuki's crotch at eye level through the window.
  He visibly gulped before pushing the door open. Slipping out and straightening slowly in front of him. He finally managed to question, "It?"
  Katsuki didn't have to lower his face much for their lips to be close. In fact, his wide stance with crossed arms didn't budge at all.
Eijiro eyed Katsuki eyeing his mouth, somehow knowing they were both asking the same question without words.
  Who was truly going to 'out' themselves first?
  Katsuki turned around and started towards their apartment. He moved in comfortable strides, hands deep into his pockets. Eijiro behind.
  On the last couple of steps Katsuki didn't lift his foot high enough and stubbed the front of his shoe, he recovered quickly and cleanly but his sobriety was brought into question.
  Undressing the second they were inside, Katsuki stopped just outside of his bedroom doorway, shirtless. Wary, Eijiro followed suit.

  He hated that he was following. He hadn't actually confessed yet, let alone understood Katsuki's intentions. Is he in his right mind? Does it even matter to him that it's me?
  He watched Katsuki's shoulder blades slide and glide as he whipped his shirt over the back of his desk chair.
He watched him place a hand on either corner of the chair's backing, just to turn around and return his hands to same spot, now behind him.
"Are you feeling alright?" Eijiro had to ask. In a world of quirks (and alcohol), you need to know when to ask.
  Katsuki fought the urge to roll his eyes. He looked away while crossing his arms, offering the slightest of nods. A hint of pink splashed across his cheeks.
  Eijiro mirrored the nod til it became more of a bob, agreeing to something. I'm going to take control.
He walked towards Katsuki who in turn backed up onto his bed. Hovering over him, Eijiro guided him down til Katsuki was propped up by his elbows. There was no going back now, he was going to go for this until stopped.
  Tentatively kissing along Katsuki's neck, he gauged his [non]reaction before reaching down to feel his chest and abs. When his hand reached the waist band, he tugged briefly.. unbuttoning with just one flick of his thumb.
This seemed to jumpstart Katsuki, who scooted up and away simultaneously. Back against the wall he did a little hop to slide his pants off himself, keeping eyes on Eijiro - who was frozen to the spot, observing all of this before removing his own.
  Both boxers constrained visibly bulging c*cks. Eijiro leaned over again, gently tugging at Katsuki's hips as to have him lay on his back. Once Katsuki gave in to repositioning, Eijiro carefully released him, admiring his length and girth before taking him into his mouth.
He sucked confidently, carefully. Hearing Katsuki's breathy moans gave him the assurance he needed to move forward. With saliva dripping down past his balls, Eijiro could now use a finger to stimulate him from within.
  Ngh! Katsuki wasn't sure which feeling overwhelmed him the most, not to mention his distrust in Eijiro's teeth.
If it weren't because Eijiro taking control was a sight to see, he would've blown his hand off. That, and the fact that- Ngh!
  Eijiro pumped with one hand in unison with his mouth and curled finger.
  Shit, he's good. Katsuki grabbed Eijiro's hair, pushing him further down to his base. He felt the warm tongue swivel around his shaft one last time before "I'm gonna-!"
  Katsuki jolted as his climax unloaded into Eijiro's mouth. Collapsing into the mattress, he could barely make out Eijiro towering over him, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
  "We're just getting started."


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