Make me hard

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  Shoto was unimpressed with Izuku's 'I don't want to hurt you but let's fuck', but was determined to rock Izuku's world as to clear his mind of anything or anyone else.
  Pulling Izuku's face down so they could kiss, he explored his mouth while slowly rubbing their erections. "I want to be inside you, Izuku." He said breathily before flipping him over.
  Shoto reached over to his nightstand and lit a tiered candle set with his quirk. Removing their clothes quickly, he zeroed in on the mark on Izuku's neck. He covered it with his mouth and made of his own design.
  Moving to Izuku's mouth to swallow his moans, he pressed and pinched one nipple with cold fingers and rubbed down his dick with his warm hand.
  Izuku took the opportunity to gasp for air while Shoto reached over again. Finding and squeezing lube onto his fingers, he placed them at Izuku's entrance.
  Ahh!! Izuku felt not one but two long fingers push in confidently, finding his pleasure spot close to immediately. "W-wait!" Izuku came thick pearly white over his stomach after just a few skillful strokes.
  Shoto kissed him before licking it off. His wide strong tongue made quick work of the mess. "Think you're ready for me?" Shoto asked, licking his lips as Izuku eyed his length.
  It was a beautiful c*ck, a pulsing vein made him yearn to feel it inside. "Fuck me." A daring plea.
  Shoto leaned down the side of the bed to that store bag from earlier, revealing a 3-pack of protection. Izuku raised an eyebrow and giggled as Shoto wrestled away with the static cling.
  As much as Shoto wanted to watch Izuku's face as he pushed every inch of his c*ck into him, he flipped him over and pushed down on his lower back, grabbing his ass to admire it.
  Amusement gone, "N-not like this, Shoto.." Izuku wasn't confident in the position but Shoto had already aligned himself and started to push in. Hot and cold hands gripped Izuku's hips while he gave in and arched.
  "You're so tight, Izuku.." Shoto rammed as hard and fast as the lube allowed. When it started to run dry and the new friction made them more sensitive, he flipped them yet again so Izuku would sit on top.
  Izuku, flushed, teary eyed and dazed, caught his breath while repositioning to ride. "My knees.." His strong thighs trembled.
  "Shh, it's ok.. go at your pace." Shoto assured, finding his tongue with his then sucking on it.
  Shoto leaned back and pressed a thumb into Izuku's mouth, using the saliva to pump him. Izuku rode in sync and they reached their climax as he dug his nails into Shoto's back.
  Hissing, Shoto shifted to lay Izuku on his back. The early morning light began to streak through curtains. Izuku was half lit with a blueish predawn light and his right side was lit with the warm glow of the candles.
  This half and half look crazed Shoto, 'Mine' was all he could think. He climbed over to Izuku's mouth, sliding off the condom and tossing it aside. "Make me hard again."


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