Chapter 5 . Confusion

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Chapter 5 .

Lynette's POV .

The most confused we ever get is when we try to convince our heads of something our hearts know is a lie. My mind hurts just as my heart hurts. I'm telling myself this whole thing is no big deal, that this is somthing I shouldn't get in.

I feel the like the person in a investigation that get's dragged into the problem. I had nothing to do with the murder but yet I'm still here feeling guilty and getting interrogated. I knew the killers were up to something but I didn't utterly know what the plan was. Here I am getting punished for something I know and everyone know's I didn't do . Why? Because I'm curious and nosy.

I wish I could put all my thoughts in a jar. I think too much. Thinking too much causes me to over think and analyz things I don't want to deal with. It gets too much for me to handle and I panic. I shut myself down and go to war with myself. I'm tired. I'm sick of being tired. I don't like who I am, but I have to live with it. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm sick of feeling sad. Sick of wanting things and people I can't have. I want to be at peace with myself for once. To be happy and think about things that doesn't send me over the edge.

I picked one up, it showed a man of around fourty five with a strong jaw line and a slight beard covering his face with a matching mustache. His hair split down the middle and swooped down until it meet his ear and was pushed back. His dark brown eyes were covered by tiny circular glasses;

Doctor More . Very open with me, except for one thing. Something happened here twenty years ago, somthing bad. He doesn't want to talk about it. This Artist has a bad influence on the Doctor. He behaves like a teenager. He should be more descreet at his age. - 1915

Then there was a picture of a charming young lady of 20-25. She had jet black hair pulled back into a pony tail of curls. She had beauitful light green pair of eyes on her perfect face, she wore a dark purple and white dress with a full black cat in her arms.;

Artist Katy . She refused to talk to us and answer any questions. But after hearing from the others we found out she is the killer of Chief May, her plans on the world is to keep it as we have it and never to change it. Her husband Dr Jack More has been brain washed by the beauty and her beliefs are now his. - 1915 Dr More went into complete shock when Katy died at year 1917. There now two year old son Jackson is in Jack's arms. - 1917 Dr More has brain washed his own son into their ways to change our world back. -1929

Under them was a picture of a man who looked into his early thirtys, he had hair like Jack's but the color of his moms. The resemblence of him and the dad was amazing.;

Jackson More . Son of Dr More ,who commited suicide in year 1927, and Katy More, died in mental insitution year 1917. Jack grew up to have the same disabilaties as his mother and father, brain washed into thinking that our world isn't how it should be . His goals were to ruin the united states and gain all power . Had a daughter with wife Mary More . Perished year 1969 .

And when I thought it was over I found more stories and more pictures, this all being confusing to me. And the next person sounded so familiar, too familiar.

Sydney Gordon . Daughter of Jackson and Mary More, wife of Tom Gordon. Involved in the murder of Terry Blake; Republican and 41 president. Sydney's motive was disbelief in opinon of our nation and he wouldn't budge into changing our constituion and rights. In 1972 her son Gary Gordon was born and she passed with her husband in year 1980 .

Gary Gordon? The man who has taken over our country? I wished there was more but all there was left were dried blood and ripped up papers. My mind was racing some of this didn't make sense, why was this here? Why is all this information important? What was the plan Katy had that she pushed down to Gary?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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