I'm not human and not a werewolf, how did I end up with a mate?

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oh my god, shut up! you useless contraption!

I flung my hand out , causing my alarm clock to hit the wall and shatter. Grumbling I pushed myself out of my bed. When my feet touched to cold wood floor, I howled and jumped right back into my warm bed. At least it loved me, stupid cold.

"Come on, Guardian, time to get up!" my brother, Aaron, pounded on the door.


I got up and flung the door open, giving him my morning glare and grunt of acknowledgement. He flinched and moved out of my way. Pushing past, I locked myself in the bathroom. After a quick 10 minute shower, I slipped out of the yummy hot water, shutting it off. The mirror was fogged up, as usual, so I rubbed a big circle in the middle. There I stood looking.........Different. I have white blonde hair and ice blue eyes. It all drew a lot of unwanted attention to me, especially with my creamy clear complection and slim figure with all the right curves. Wrapping a towel around my body, I threw the door open and came face-to-face with Aarons best friend, Jace.

"Hey baby." He purred.

"Call me baby one more time and I WILL cut off your balls and shove them down your throat, got it?"  I glared at him and smirked, when I heard him gulp.

"Got it." he said hastily.

"good boy." I smirked and went back into my room.

I slipped on my black bra and thong combo, as I went over to my walk in closet. I pulled on some black skinnies and a red blouse,  as well as some red pumps. Crumpling down onto the chair infront of my dressing table and put on my usual make up, lipgloss. Yup thats all, its not like a needed any more I already have a clear complection and thick dark lashes. With a brush through my silky straight hair, I grabbed my back pack and headed down stairs.

"hey sweety." My mom turned to me, from the stove.

It struck me, my mom looks exactly like me, except with darker hair and green eyes.

"Morning mom" I smiled, grabbing a piece of toast and ran out to my car.

My beautiful red Turbo 911 stood out, even in a school of snooty rich people. Thank GOD, I'm not one of them. Well yes I'm rich and all, but I don't like to shove it in peoples faces. I'm more of an emo, loner girl. except for the fact that I actually have friends. Lots of them actually. They, like me, were the emo type. When ever we were together people generally were intimidated. The main people I hung out with are Karen, Harley, Rachel and Leah. Karen and Harley both have raven black hair and blue eyes, but Karen is 5"2 and Harley is 5"6 with a muscular build to Karens curvy one. Rachel has soft brown hair and eyes and a slim frame. While Leah was a tall gorgeous blonde; only she has black eyes. I KNOW talk about contrast! We were all different but the same too. A tall blonde jock, or as I like to call them, jock-strap, sauntered over to me, leaning against my car.

"Hey Guardian, do ya --" I cut him off.

"No." I waved my hand dismissively and he sulked away.

After grabbing my bag and locking my car, I made my way over to my friends.

"An another one bites the dust." Leah laughed, looking over at the jock-strap.

"How manys that this week, Harley?" Rachel joked, earning a glare from me.

"I think ten." Harley spouted and jumped back when I flung bag at her.

"It's a record Guard---OH MY DEAR SWEET GOD!" Karen blurted, her eyes bugging out as she looked over my shoulder.

"That's not a attractive face, you know that Karen?" I pointed out and bit my lip to prevent my laughing.

"Turn round, Idiot." She bit back, trying to compose her face.

I'm not human and not a werewolf, how did I end up with a mate?Where stories live. Discover now