It Festers Part 2

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(Once again, I apologize if you don't like my adaptation of his backstory. I have researched everything to make things as accurate as possible. Hours, not even joking, hours and DAYS even MONTHS of research was poured into this. Things remain unknown about him and other people that are apart of his journey of becoming a magister so I had to fill in the gaps. Dorian is an amazing character and I will continue to write this fanfic. Also if any new information is released about anything I have written about in here, about Dorian's supposed lover, give me some grace because I wrote all of this before Dragon Age 4 was released so I'm not aware of certain things. Many things still remain unknown to me and many others.) |A longer chapter because a lot of things happen|

Since the incident... Dorian's father had been taking him to different Circles. Each one ended in travesty. He went from mentor to mentor, leaving behind each one because of some other fiasco. It seems that nothing went right for a time.

Now he is 17 years old. Discovering more about himself and more about the downfalls of Tevinter. There are so many things he wishes he could change about it but for the time being, he can't. Tullus and his family left Dorian alone. They never contacted or threatened him or his family, he believes. He has grown more powerful over the years, continuing to study magic. His father tells him that he has everything he could ever want. Dorian knows that he wants more. He always has. Always. His father sent him to a small school in Minrathus, run by the Order of Argent. Basically he was trying to discipline Dorian. Trying to shove obedience in and other things in his face. Each time he would go to a new Circle, something similar would happen. So he would be kicked out once again. His father was furious. Dorian couldn't handle it anymore. He went to escape everyone and everything. He disappeared from the school and his family became very worried. He didn't say anything. He is now going to the elven city slums to relieve himself.

Dorian walks into the tavern and gets a couple of rounds of ale. He ends up getting drunk rather quickly. Trying to drink his sorrows away... He hates that his own father doesn't even understand him. He has no idea what he is going through on a daily basis.

"Ah... wh-who-who are you?" Dorian grumbles, coughing.

The man sits beside him, "I am Magister Gerion Alexius, and you are Dorian," he says, softly. He is aware of what has been going on and saw him there alone. He felt he should say something.

"Right..." Dorian mumbles to himself, "What do you want?"
Alexius chuckles, "Dorian, I only wish to help you discover your true potential. I know you have great skill but you keep wasting it," he says, "I want to help you discover you, what makes you, yourself. No more hiding, Dorian."
Dorian shakes his head, wanting to just wallow in self pity once more, "Why can't he just... leave me alone," Dorian thinks to himself, being all delirious like.
"Well," Alexius draws out his hand, "You coming?"
Dorian ponders his request for a second, then takes his hand.

He takes Dorian to the Guilded Quarter and the resultant candid conversation in the carriage led Alexius to make the decision to take the young Dorian under his wing as his apprentice, to cultivate his clear talent and try to control his rebellious nature.

9:31 Dragon

Alexius privately tutored him for several years, and Dorian flourished. Choosing his specialization as a Necromancer. He was very proud of it. He became very close friends with Felix. They could always depend on each other. Eventually, he became a fully ranked Enchanter with the Minrathus Circle of Magi. He was striving for Senior Enchanter. He started to hear rumors about something that rather concerned him, however. Rumors of darkspawn returning, but he didn't know what to believe.

Dorian has most certainly benefited from all this. He's currently focused on helping Alexius with his research. Time magic. They had been developing it for some time, but it was never perfect. Alexius told Dorian that it had to remain a secret, so he agreed to not speak of it to anyone. Which he thought was curious but enjoyed being apart of such a secret.
He also participated in Lower Floor debates of the Circle and attended social functions and balls..

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