Heroes Versus Villans.

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I sat on the broken plane, awaiting the doom that is Camp Wawanakwa. My favorite characters weren't here- Noah, Cody and Brick- but still, I was happy to be considered an 'all-star'

Oh, who am I? Well, I'm Bella. Last year, I competed against some other teens on Total Drama. I came in sixth place, so I'm pretty proud of that. You want to know about me? Well, here.

I'm seventeen, and am planning on going to use my college fund to go to CalArts. I have long black hair, that goes to about my shoulders. But there's one more thing about me: I have multiple personality disorder, which means there's different people inside my head.

It's annoying sometimes, but I've managed to cope with it. There's Rani, a badass; Emily, a British gymnast; Hazel, the human Robin Hood; Alice, a Manitoban cowgirl; and Mary, a stylist diva. And then there's me: a gentle, guitarist who has a crush on a athlete.

As I sat in the plane, my phone rang. I put in earphones and answered.

"Bella?" A voice asked. Brick!

"Brick! Hey there, wasn't expecting a call so soon!" I was excited to hear from him, mostly because he was a gentleman and I loved the sound of his voice.

"You at the island yet?"

"Psssh. I wish. Okay, so I've been looking around, and I can tell you: My favorite characters aren't here! Especially you. But Noah and Cody aren't here, Owen and Izzy, Harold and LeShawna... What I can you Zoke, Aleheather, Gwuncan and Duncaney will be going strong."

"That's nice. So it's an all-star season, eh?" I smile

"Yep." Suddenly static came from his end. "Brick, I'm going to have to call you back!"

I peered out the window and see the Looming Tragedy that is Camp Wawanakwa.

One by one, we were all thrown out of the plane. "And one of audience favourites, Bella!" Chris announced. I landed in the water and fumbled for my phone. Please work, please work... Yes! It works!

Right after I was thrown, Scott landed beside me. He smirked when he saw me. "Hey gorgeous."

I turn away. "Hey, Scott." Okay, last season, one of my alters gave him the impression I had a crush on him. Cough, Rani, Cough. So now he 'likes' me.

Jo. Where do I start? Oh yeah, she's a jerk. One, she calls me a freak. Two, all she ever wears are a sweatshirt and track pants. Ever heard of fashion? Ever heard of Target?

As for the rest of the cast thrown out, they were pretty okay. Except Courtney and Heather. Heather. But compared to Alejandro, she's a saint. Good riddance, at least he isn't here. Then, I just might have to quit. But last thing I heard, he went missing and was stuffed into a robot suit.

Once I got to shore, I grabbed my phone and tested Brick. "Brick, please watch the show when it comes out. And sue it." Heather coughed up a starfish. I grabbed it and put it in my pocket.

Sam had a octopus on his head, and it was trying to rip up a picture of Dakotazoid and him. Then it was time to sort is into teams.

"Heather, Duncan, Lightning, Jo... Scott, Bella and Gwen. From now on, you are the Villainous Vultures!" I gasped. How was I a villain?! I've done so many good things! Gwen was just as surprised as I was. Hey, at least Gwuncan can live on. No. Gwuncan sucks.

Then Mike, Zoey, Cameron, Sam. Courtney, Lindsay and Sierra were placed on the Heroic Hamsters. Woah, it must have taken, what, five seconds to come up with the names? It was either that or the Heroic Hippos.

Then the robot Chris had was placed on our team. Hey, it's a bit familiar. Wait... the robot suit? End of season three? The robot has to be Alejandro! Ugh... remind  to quit later, after seeing this 'Gods gift to girls' in person.

I stood next to it, and whispered, "Hey Ale-jerk-dro. Nice to see you rusty and weak." It beeped at me.

"I thought your robot could talk." Scott exclaimed.

Chris shrugged. "Meh. The communication chip kakked while I was in the hoosegow." Wait, he was in prison? Thats... hilarious! He so deserved it since Reveng of the Island.

Then Chris went on to explain the challenge. Cliff Diving to get a key that will unlock the McLean Spa Hotel. One person would push you in a baby carriage to the Hotel. If the key didn't fit, back up the cliff for you. Plot twist: the water was infested with sharks. Deadly... man-eating sharks...

Scott gulped and grabbed my arm. Knowing his fear of sharks, I let him. Because I was nice.

I got a text from Brick. "Bella, please don't let Scott win you over again." Was the show live?

Everyone was fighting as we walked to the cliff. Scott was shivering and still holding my arm, and I let him. Worst mistake ever.


I hug him. "Long time, no see, Scott." He smiles.

"Hey..." He was scared. I could tell. Suddenly my phone buzzed.

"Rani, please don't mess up Bella's life!" Ugh.  Did Bella seriously still like Brick? He's a coward! He wets himself over the tiniest things! Like the dark. Or spiders. Or loud noises.


Cliff Diving! Yay! Wait, is Brick here?

I glanced around. No, he wasn't. I bit my lip and tried not to burst out crying.

Once we got to the top of the cliff, I jumped at the same time as the arrogant Lightning. Cannon-balling, I landed on a shark. It growled

"Well, Ello' sharky! Mind helping me get a key?" I coo. It dived down and I grabbed a silver key. Then I ran alongside Jo as we neared the Spa Hotel. Neither of our keys worked.

Duncan dived, then Sierra, then Mike and Gwen. And no one got the right key. Sam and Heather went. Fang, I will pay you with a Scott to eat her. Please, please, please. I've seen he other seasons.

Scott refused to dive, and he was clinging on a rock as though his life depends on it. Which it did. Finally he let go, but Lightning hit the robot and it started moving backwards. It fell off the cliff.


After a while, I was finally able to gain control. The robot fell of the cliff, and suddenly, a shadow burst out of the water and into the air. I was able to get a glimpse of... Alejandro. REMIND ME TO FUCKING QUIT.

He looked terrible. His clothes were ripped, he had a rough stubble, and his hair was messed up. Heather screamed in anger.


He stood on the sand with a key. But suddenly his legs collapsed. I ran over to help him up and into the carriage.

  His key opened the door. THANK GOD.


"This. Is. Sweet." I sigh, as I lay in the hot tub. Seriously, we better have this for the rest of the season. At least until the merge, so I can win it. But thank god, this was relaxing. My phone was on and I was talking to Brick.

"Seriously Brick, it was Rani! I don't see anything in Scott! He's a farmer idiot who I once saw eat dirt clods!"

"You've told me, Bella, but I don't believe you! I'm sorry!" I bit my lip and trying not to cry.

Before I hung up, I whispered, "I love you."

Drama! I know most of you have been waiting for this, and here it is! Bella and Brick? Oooh! The cliffhangers! Why doesn't he believe her?

Personally, I love the prison bit the most. I'm working on an update,  I swear!

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