Chapter 17: Visiting Home

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"Joe give me my phone!" I said trying to grab it from him. He held it above his head and smiled at me. He was so tall compared to me!

"Nope you don't get you're phone at all today! Its a challenge!" Joe said putting his phone and mine on a high shelf. 

"Fine then what are we doing today? If we're going out I have to get ready." I said looking at my clothes. I stayed at Joe's last night and slept in a over sized hoodie that went down to my knees. 

"I say we go visit my dad. He wants to see you again, and Zoe is going with Alfie for the weekend."

"Okay, then I need to go home and pack." I said picking up the cups of tea we drank this morning.

"Alright we'll leave soon."

"Hey Joe?" I asked washing the mugs.

"Hmm?" He said wrapping his hands around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Where has Caspar been he wasn't here all week."

"I don't know he's been hanging with some girl, says she's gorgeous and is the best girl he's ever met."

"Oh." I said sighing. He asked for Josie's number but then hurts her by going out with another girl. Guys are stupid.

"Well, I'll pack and then we'll go to yours?" 

"Yeah." I said following Joe into his room.


I sat in the car with Joe and listened to the radios quiet hum. I sang along trying to keep my voice down so I wouldn't distract Joe.

"Your voice is lovely." Joe said smiling.

"Its nothing special, I just know what notes I can hit."

"No your voice is special, just like you are. You are one of a kind, and you're all mine!"


I walked into my flat and smelt food. Pizza. Of course Josie always ate pizza and pasta. Even together sometimes.

"Josie! I'm here with Joe I just need to get some clothes."

"Ohh umm k..." She said from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw her covered in sauce.

"What happened?" I asked looking at the kitchen also covered in sauce.

"Sorry I started it." A voice said. I looked up and saw Caspar covered in sauce as well.

"Oh my gosh you guys are dating!" I said smiling.

"Well we've been going on some dates we're not dating." Josie corrected.

"Yet." Caspar said winking at her.

"Well I'm just gonna pack and get dressed, have fun!" I said laughing. I walked up the stairs and into my room. I got my bag and put four different outfits into it so I could choose what I wanted to wear. I then started getting undressed. I changed into a white v-neck and put a navy blue sweater over it and left it unbuttoned. I then put on some gray leggings along with red vans. I put my hair in a side fish tail braid and let my fringe hang out and then put a white beanie on. It's winter and its cold!

"You ready?" Joe asked coming into the room.

"Yeah I've got everything I think. Lets go!" I said happily.


"Wait he still lives in the same house!" I said smiling at Joe.

"Yeah he never moved. He loves that house."

"Oh my gosh! Now I can see my old house too. We can go to the park too!" I said looking out the window at the familiar houses.

"Yeah and we can go see the alpacas."

"Remember when you tried to ride that one and he threw you off then spit on you!" I said laughing. Joe laughed too.

"Of course I do! I didn't go near them for 3 months!"

"That was so funny. Why did you try to ride it!"

"I was trying to impress you. It just didn't go the way I planned."

I blushed and smiled at Joe.

"We're here!"

"Yay! I'm so excited!"

Once Joe stopped I jumped out of the car and smelt the air. It smelt the same as when I was little, I missed this smell. The smell of openness and adventure.

"Come on I think Zoe and Alfie are here already." Joe said taking my hand and walking inside.

Joe went inside not knocking on the door since it was his dads house. 

"We're here!" Joe shouted.

I started to take off my shoes and Joe's father came out. 

"Hello dad!" Joe said hugging him. 

Zoe came down from her room with Alfie vlogging.

"Hello Emily! You've grown so much!" Graham said hugging me. I smiled and hugged him back. I missed him, he was such a good cook and such a kind soul.

"How have you been?" I asked him.

"I've been well, its always nice to see my kids and its so nice to see you. I always thought of you as my daughter." He said smiling.

"Well you were such a great person so kind! I was always here so I kinda was your kid!"

"Dad is the pasta ready?" Zoe asked coming and standing next to me.

"Yes in just 5 minutes." He said going back into the kitchen. Joe took my hand in his.

Zoe started vlogging. "Look whos arrived! Joe and Emily! Em came to visit as well because my father was so happy when I mentioned her. Since she did grow up with us!" Zoe said putting her arm around my shoulders.

"Yes I'm so happy to see him again, hes a lovely man." I said smiling at the camera.

Joe left the room with Alfie and Zoe and I stayed where we were.

"I'm so happy you're here. Maybe the girls could come next time?" Zoe asked.

"Yes I'm sure they would love to. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"I think Josie and Caspar are dating. He won't hurt her right?"

"No he may be the so called YouTube slut but he is very kind and sweet. They are both so alike, he'll treat her good."

"Good I don't want her getting hurt."

"No he's a sweetheart."

I smiled as did Zoe.

"Girls lunch is ready!" Graham called from the kitchen.

Zoe and I smiled and went into the kitchen.

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