Chapter 1: I Know I'm Gonna Get Hurt

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The golden hall of the palace was getting noisy. All the food had been consumed, and only alcohol was still going around. People laughing, yelling, and singing off key was getting too bothersome. You had smiled and talked to people, as custom demanded of you, but it was not something that came naturally and you couldn't wait to get out of there. At least the alcohol provided enough distraction for you to quietly slip away from the noise.

The noise, however, wasn't the only thing you wanted to get away from. Not far from you, there was a scene going, one you had seen way too many times. One you were tired of having to watch from a distance and later pretend you saw nothing.

Loki. A young woman was sitting beside him and he was whispering in her ear. You briefly wondered what had he said, as she blushed profusely and tried to cover it up by grabbing her drink.

You knew the mischievous prince of Asgard was capable of sweet talking his way into the bed chambers of anything with legs. Many times you believed his words to be laced with magic designed to blur the senses and make you fall under a spell. But after being victim of his charm (numerous times you might shamefully add), you knew that it was no magic, and only you were to blame for falling like an inexperienced pubescent girl into his trousers.

As soon as you saw Loki's hand disappear under the table, you knew it was time to get out of there. Plastering a smile on your face, you said your goodbyes and scurried out of the hall.

"Hey, where are you going?"

You stopped on your tracks. "I'm tired, my prince." You said, if somewhat sarcastically.

"Since when do you use my titles?" Loki said with a half smile, coming to stand beside you.

"Funny. I was under the impression you quite like them." You retorted, and turned away from him to keep walking to the exit.

"Only when they come from the unworthy." He said, and you could hear the smile as he walked by your side. "You on the other hand..." His fingers traced up your arm, sending a shiver down your spine. "You are a hersir of the realm, a goddess even..."

There he goes again, lacing his words with honey.

"Maybe this goddess is not so all powerful and is tired." You cut him sternly, trying to convey more calm than you were feeling. "I'm sure the unworthy you left in the hall will be more than happy to indulge you." Your steps sped up, but Loki caught up with you.

"Oh, but I do love it when you get jealous." You didn't need to be looking at him to know there was a smirk involved.

"I find it hard to believe you went through all that trouble just to make me jealous, Loki." You stopped for a second, but did not look at him. "Besides, jealousy or not, you and I both know this isn't an exclusive thing."

Loki seemed to be quite confused by your words, his smile faltered. "Will you be seeing someone else tonight?"

You smiled curtly at him. "Have fun with the unworthy one."

You didn't wait for him to speak, and promptly walked out the door. The soldiers at the entrance of the palace nodded in your direction as you stepped into the night. The road to your home was short, but you walked fast, trying to put as much distance between you and the palace. Your heart was still pounding, as you chastised yourself for that little scene on your way out.

You had known what you were getting yourself into, but it didn't stop you. You'd thought you could handle it, keep your heart safe and out of the matter. You'd found out soon enough that it didn't work like that. Now, you couldn't get out. Despite yourself, you still hoped that one day he would feel for you what you felt for him.

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