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The hut was quiet for the remainder of the day. Ophre and my father were rarely present, both obligated to follow their rituals for the death of both mother and child. While Ophre was in charge of the rituals to appreciate and bless the journey to the spirit realm for Alyssa, and to guarantee that she finds and remains with her child, my father was in charge of the preparations for the tribal funeral. 

With this unfortunate turn of events, I was given a likable amount of personal space to plan for my departure. I did not possess many belongings, and what I did possess that held value to me was located in my getaway cave. My cot that laid near the far wall, on the opposing side of where my father and Ophre shared their straw bed with furs near the hearth, was plain and worn from years of use. I had only kept it because it was the one my late mother had prepared and sewn for me, and now I contemplated the worth of it for my travels. Most likely, it would not survive the rough and wear of the wilderness and it held no more value than the memory of my mother's skilled hands. 

I would only need to take the most valuable things, I decided firmly to myself. 

I sorted through my father's healing herbs--although to do so was unfavorable to his status above me, especially in his absence and without his knowledge--and grabbed the minimal amount of things I believed I would need in case of emergency. Herbs for possible infection, poison ivy or other skin rashes, to treat fever and indigestion, and also to help treat possible dehydration. I scarcely took anything from his profound stash, but I prayed to the gods that he wouldn't be rightly offended when he discovered my misdeeds. 

I covered the herbs with a thin skin and wrapped it with twine, stashing it into my animal-skin pouch that I was using for my intended travels. I continued to add a small amount of cheese, bread, and dried meat that had been given to my father and Ophre from the husband's family of Alyssa. Again, I found myself praying for forgiveness for my invasion of my father and his possessions that did not belong to me. 

It is necessary, I chided myself as I contemplating returning everything. By staying here, you will only continue to feel more lost. Mother would understand, wouldn't she? 

Once I had packed the necessities, I hid my travel pouch in the depths of my corner where my cot was. I covered it with my furs, and with some of my clothing. My father and Ophre always respected my space, and would not dig into my furs or clothing even if they were on my cot. 

I found myself looking around my hut, my home, the only thing I've ever had to call my own place. Even at that, this was not my own place. It was evident in the way that the hearth was crowded by the tools that my father used when doctoring our village, or with the designated childbearing furs that Ophre had strewn over a wooden post my father had fashioned for her. The mother in question of childbearing would always be able to keep the primary fur that she gave birth on, and it would be thoroughly washed and cleaned to be used as the baby's first sleeping fur. But all the others would be washed, cleaned, and brought back. Other midwives would fashion more furs and often bring them to my hut whenever a mother was near birthing. 

A cough and clearing of a throat led me to snap out of my scrutiny of the hut. I could see boots at the entrance, behind the furs that served as a privacy barrier, drawn due to the absence of my father and Ophre as they attended their duties. Normally, if the furs aren't drawn, then any guest would be discouraged from attending and requesting their presence. 

But I knew the wearer of the boots. 

"Arrow, please, welcome yourself into my father's hut." I greeted formally, although I did not hide the slight edge to my voice. I drew the furs back as I welcomed him, but I internally wished I had just ignored him. To ignore him though, would be certain punishment if he discovered I was inside the hut and purposely avoided his presence. The elders would be furious. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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