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  Izuku looked up into beautifully different, equally wild eyes.. heaving chest in peripheral. Holy shit. Tapping Shoto's thigh as if forfeiting a match, he repositioned to lay chest on chest.
Shoto was processing the rejection when he felt their hearts beating hard against each other. Izuku wanted him to calm.
After a moment, a soft "Why me? Why still? Izuku asked, chin propped up on Shoto's sternum.
  Surprised, but still prompt, "You're.. everything."
  Izuku turned onto his cheek again.
  "You're you." Shoto added, as if this obviously explained everything.
Still wanting something.. more, Izuku raised to plant two soft kisses across Shoto's chest, pausing over the spot he would kiss next. Getting the idea, Shoto continued.
Izuku trailed down to Shoto's bulge, which mind you, didn't need any help getting back up.
"Your character," kiss "morals and beliefs.. loyalty." kiss.. kiss.. Izuku hesitated at 'loyalty', which he realized was more of a test on Shoto's part.
He rigged the game by making his next move to be the tip of Shoto's c*ck down his throat. Shoto reeled at the sudden sensation.
Izuku hadn't done this before but he knew he was going to try everything he could without gagging.
Shoto, who had envisioned this an infinite amount of times, was embarrassed for having asked for it so lewdly. He couldn't help but throw his head back, it felt amazing but he didn't want to finish this way.
Gently moving Izuku off, he was met with a worried expression, Was it bad? Caressing a flustered cheek, he answered earnestly, "It's so good, too good - I just don't want to finish like this.." He chanced asking, "Have you not.. done this before..?"
Izuku sat back on his heels, "I haven't done any of this!" He exclaimed emphatically.
Shoto skipped a beat then repositioned as to be on top, looking into the big green eyes he had missed so dearly. "Izuku," He softly kissed his neck and whispered. "Let me make love to you."
With an intense blush as a response, Shoto worked diligently at kissing and teasing every bit of him, before grabbing the lube to massage his entrance.
Lining up, he pushed in slowly, raw, taking in every bit of reaction as Izuku took in every inch of him. Well, he tried not to miss a single face made, but his eyes fought against rolling back in ecstasy.
After a slow blink, he refocused. "I love your face.." Shoto had tweaked the game, thrust "I love your smile, laugh.." thrust, thrust. "I love how your mind works.." thrust "Your determination, your heart.." thrust in, out.
"I love-" at the risk of hearing 'you' Izuku reached for Shoto's face and planted a hard long kiss, and pleaded for him to go faster, harder. "Please, Shoto."
Shoto angled Izuku so he'd find that spot again, the spot that made Izuku's face peak epitome of every erotic dream he had ever had.
Izuku loved the slap of Shoto's balls against him, the sensitivity matching the strokes to his prostate was very much indeed 'rocking his world.'
He moved his hips to meet ass-to-base better, wanting to be as close as humanly possible. Or inhumanly, whatever. I want more of it, all of it, deeper.
He let out an unsuppressed moan after Shoto cupped a hollow fist over his tip, the sensation of inserting while being penetrated was equally foreign and too much.
Reaching their climax together, Izuku all but fainted while being pumped into, hot. Shoto withdrew slowly, then watched as creamy cum cascaded out between pink squeezable ass cheeks.
And he did just that, biting his lower lip as he left red marks. Something about the slight abuse made him lean into a possessive kiss.
Izuku couldn't see straight, which was unfortunate for Shoto since he was riled up for another go.
  He softened his kisses to feather-light before collapsing into a sticky, steamy, sweet-smelling bliss.
Until.. "Shoto.." Embracing for the worst, Shoto responded with an even "hmm..?"
"Come back with me to the states. Let me show you where I lived, while I go through the rest of my stuff, turn in the apartment and wrap up things at work.. Can you do it? Can you take off a week?"
"I-" Shoto had to catch up, he had not expected that, "I'll put in the request right away.." He grabbed his phone and shot off an email.
He wrapped around Izuku and hugged, "Um.. how about we take a quick shower? Let me rinse you off, I'll change the sheets and we can grab a couple more hours of sleep.. before breakfast.."
Izuku's stomach growled at the mention of food. Shoto smiled and amended his suggestion, "Go ahead and hop in, I'll clean up here and get something started." He kissed Izuku's forehead and handed him fresh clothes.

Before Izuku could dwell on his spontaneous invitation, Shoto had joined him in the shower. It was one thing to be a rag doll tossed around by that body for the better part of an hour, or was it longer? But a completely other thing to watch it stroll towards him, in all its sculpted glory.
Smiling, Shoto gently took the soapy bath sponge and asked for Izuku to turn around. He admired Izuku's backside, his shorter but strong legs, and generally small but muscular frame.
"Here," Izuku held out his hand asking for the sponge, "Let me.." Shoto kissed his neck, still taunted by the older mark there.. he obliged and turned around.
Izuku made an 'oops' face when he saw his nail carvings down Shoto's back. He traced one til he exclaimed, "This one drew blood! I'm sorry!"
After a pause, Shoto hung his head. "Please, please. Please don't ever be sorry about any of this. Ever. Promise me."
  Izuku spaced til deciding that he wouldn't, hugging him from behind.

They enjoyed a small portion of miso soup, rice and grilled fish.. just enough to cozy up a couple of more hours.. before Izuku's alarm went off to visit mom.


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