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Clint Barton x dying reader
There is some sadness in this chapter so be prepared.

Abandoned New York city 5 years after Endgame

You had been walking for miles, the abandoned cities were dead. Or at least you thought it was. You had thought, you'd lost your husband Clint. You also didn't know, he was alive. You wrapped yourself up tightly in your jacket with your gun in it's holster. Your orbs darted around as the wind whipped harshly across the abandoned highway. You were being watched. Walking closer to a car, your eyes dart over towards the back, it had some blankets. 'Yes!' You thought whilst busting into the car, the glass shattered into a million pieces.

Soon enough, you had the blanket stuffed inside your backpack. You had been walking around for two weeks looking for your long lost husband. As you walk towards the city, you start remembering the battle. You, him, and Nat all fighting together whilst Cap helped people. You remember it just like it was yesterday. You hear their words in your head. "Just like Budapest all over again!" "You and I remember Budapest very differently". It made you tear up just thinking about him talk. It saddened you. As you continued to walk, it took you 45 minutes to reach the dead city. The wind stirred things up, and it made you wonder. You then smelled something. 'What?' You thought whilst going to run towards the burning smell. You felt tired and it was dark already. You decided, that you'd take shelter in the abandoned police station. Once in, you use the stairs and find the captains office. Everything there was dead, no one was around. 'If this isn't creepy' you thought taking out your flash light and using it to look around. Walking closer to the Captain's office. You walk in, then you see a dead body laying on the couch. You scream bloody murder whislt jumping back. You back away, "I'm not staying here" you say then you hear a familiar voice, "Why not? You just got here." The male's voice rocked you, it made you feel alive again. You froze unsure, if you could move or not.


You turned around, you cover your mouth in surprise. "Oh! Clint! Baby!" You say whilst running to him, he gives you a slight sad smile. You have tears running down your cheeks. He swoops you into his arms whislt you wrap your legs around him. You cup his face, you also check it for cuts and bruises. "Those five years apart, didn't do you good, did they?" You asked, he shook his head. He didn't have much to say. Then you notice, he hugs you back, but tightly. You nuzzle your face into his neck.

"I've missed you" he whispers

"I've missed you too, baby" you reply as you kiss his Cheek. Though, your lips meet and it's full of bliss.

After a while, Clint takes you back to his set up in the other part of the department. He had a fire going and there were two bed type things made. You glance around whislt he leads you in. "A lot has happened since then, huh?" You ask, Clint flinches, "Yeah. A lot has changed." He replied looking at you straight in the eyes. You stare back. 'There's something he's hiding' you thought whilst glancing away from him. "Like what?" You ask, he freezes in his spot, "Uh..." he grits his teeth, tears threaten his eyes. Then he looks at you, tears starting to line his eyes. "Me thinking I lost you. Me being alone" he replied lowly looking at you. Walking closer, you smile a bit before hugging him again.

You never want to let him go again, the both of you sank down to the floor, him crying whislt you held him tightly. You never wanted to let him go again. You stayed there for a while. Though, you didn't know you'd be dying the next day.

The next morning...
You walk outside with your hand in Clint's hand. You both were gonna get ambushed and only one of you was gonna survive. As you walked the street, you heard something, so you lifted your gun and pointed toward the sound. "What was that?" You ask and Clint shrugs looking at you then within minutes, you see ground and Clint next to you. He was being held back by someone. "Search the girl!" One said and held you roughly. You fought against them and looked at Clint. He was helpless.

"Let us go!" You yelled, they got what they wanted and within seconds, a gunshot blared and you felt hot sticky blood forming at your chest. Clint rushed over and started holding you. "Hey! I can't lose you." He cried out and tears poured down his red tinted face from the cold. You had blurry vision and you couldn't make out what was going on. "Clint. It's ok." You choke out and look at him the best you could. He started humming. "Your my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey." He whispered softly towards you whislt holding you. Within minutes, your gone. Clint notices and takes a hint to try CPR. "C'mon baby." He said whilst crying. Your body was lifeless and he continued to try to get you to live. But of course, he couldn't.

He held your lifeless body for hours on end, before he left you in the street and walked away into the alley ways of darkness.


This was sad. 😭💔 if you guys have requests let me know! I'd love to do them 👀 see you next time.

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