The Secret.

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"Ugh can't the damn bell just ring already?" Thought Alyyson. "I just want to get home already." 

As soon as the bell rang Allyson was already in the hallway at her locker unlocking her stiff lock. She ran home and ran in the front door to see her mom laying there on the couch. She walked over to her mom becasue she looked sick and didn't know if she was sick or not. Her mom said that she was fine and that there was nothing to worry about.

 At about 7:00 Allyson called her boyfriend Jack over so they could hang out.  When Jake came over, he and Allyson just talked and romanticly cuddled and kissed on the couch in her basement. They loved each other very much.

 The next day at about 11:00a.m Allyson woke up, it was Saturday so she did what she did every Saturday which was go straight downstairs and watch cartoons as if she was 6 again even though she was really 16.

 Later on that day, Jake came over and Allyson and him talked and then they went to the park for a little while and swung on the swings and layed under a tree together, kissing with there fingers wrapped together.

 At dinner Allyson's mom told her that she had to go to the doctors tomorrow so she could get checked out to make sure her body was growing smoothly.

 The next day Allyson's mom woke her up at 9 in the morning so they could leave the house by 10:30 to make it to the doctors in time. 

When they got to the doctors the doctor checked Allyson and took some tests. Allyson and her mom waited patiently for the tests. After about 10 minutes the doctor came back with the tests and said that not everything in Allyson's body was healthy, the doctor announced that Allyson has cancer and she will die in about 3 months.

Allyson and her mom were both heart broken and Allyson and her mom both were crying and sobbing. Allyson did not know how to take the horrible news. 

 When Allyson got home her and her mom called all the family and friends, the only person Allyson didn't call was Jake. Her mom questioned her on why she wouldn't call him and tell him but she didn't have a full on answer she just kept saying that she will later, but she never ended up calling him.

 The next day Allyson didn't go to school, she had anpther doctors appointment. Allyson did tell her best friend Sophie who was always fairly good friends with Jake and when Jake questioned her on why Allyson wasn't at school Sophie knew she wasn't suppse to tell she she didn't she left him wondering. 

 As soon as Jake got home from school he called Allyson and asked hr why she wasn't at school today and she said that she had a doctors appointment, but Jake though no big deal of it and then he started to wonder why Sophie couldn't tell him that.

 While Allyson was on the phone with Jake she asked him a couple of question some of the questions were, do u love me? What would u do if I died? Would u miss me if I died? All his answer were yes or that he would not be abake to survive is she died.

 The next day at school Allyson was not there again and Jake went up to Sophie again and asked her seriosuly what was up with her yesterday, he wondered why she couldn't just say that Allyson had a doctors appointment because thats what he was told by her, but Sophie just ignored him and walked away.

 When Jake got home he called Allyson again she answered sounding really sick. He asked her if she was okay and why she wasn't at school again today. Allyson said that she is very very sick and that she probably won't be at school for a couple of weeks. 

                                                      * 4 WEEKS LATER*

 Finally, Allyson came to school and she wasn't looking very good but all her friends ran up to her and hugged her and the first person that was right beside her was Jake. He kissed her on her lips right in front of everyone for a very long time and hugged her as if her hadn't seen her in forever. 

 Allyson told everyone that this was gonna be her last day at school and when peple questioned her she acted like she didn't hear a word they said. 

 The next day just like Allyson said she wasn't at school so instead of Jake calling her, he decided to go to her house. When he got there Allysons mom answered the door in tears and let Jake in he walked into the living only to find Sophie and all her friend sitting beside her as she layed on her couch.  Allyson's mom walked Jake into the kitchen and told him that she hadn't been at school because Allyson has cancer and is going to pass away very soon. As soon as Jake heard that he bursted into tears right away and walked towards her. He kissed her on the cheek very slowly and rubbed the top of her head.

                                                             *1 WEEK LATER*

 Allyson was laying in a hospital bed with her mopm right by her side and her friends and family and of course Jake was there. Everyone there was crying and as soon as Sophie walked in the room  Allyson woke up. Sophie smiled and so did Allyson and that just made everyone cry a lot more. 

 After about 6 days of Allyson being in the hospital she couldn't take it anymore, she had never felt so sick in her life and she didn't wanna feel like this for much longer. Allyson's mom didn't want to pull the pulg but she had no choice, she didn't want her daughter to live like that. She let Jake decide, he could either pull the plug or she could live on that machine for the rest of her life. 

Jake had finally chosen that he was just gonna pull the plug. He told everyone and let them say their good-byes to her. Jake leaned into her and kissed her lips and she slowly grabbed his head and kissed him back. She whispered " I love you" and he pulled the plug. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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