Chap. 29

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Lais POV

4 weeks later...

"Are you wearing white."

Nye asks me

"Yea we all should"

"Good cause I got these 3 dresses"

"Mari bring them"


"Girl no I'm pregnant with twins."

"Me too I'm baking"

"Y'all lazy and pregnant uff"

She walked out the door.

"let get in action"

"I thought we was doing it later"

"We was let's do it now."

I grab the cake out the fridge in my room. Its says

Thanks Ms.Mariani . From ya besties

Crappy but its from her best friends. Its her favorite flavor. Marble. We grabbed the balloon out the bathroom 4 card even though it's only two of us here . She open the door.

"Whats all this shit for."

"Come read it"

Mari and Nye have no type of manors with each other. She comes and read it

"Aww babes Thank you"

We all hug

"God y'all squished me."

Mari pulls out the dresses.

"Oh my god those are pretty"

"The strapless one is mine, The one with cut is Nye and Lais Yours is the one strap,"

"Girl you did good. We have too take pictures."


"Okay can we eat cake now"

"I got waffles"

I love waffles.

"You got ice cream too?"

"You know I keep ice cream on stack."

I made the girls plates.

"Where are the guys. "

"They are staying in a hotel."

"They know about the dinner, I made sure."

I did.

"Well now whats the plan."

"I thought we just walk on stage and say it"

"Nye that's boring"


We all put a waffle in our mouth with ice cream on it.

I just came up with something.

"So you're going to be there on time. We're going to be in the back. I'm gonna call you and say that I'm helping Nye put on her dress and we'll be there in twenty. Y'all make small talk and then I'll have the light down and me and Nye will come out. "

"What about Vance?"

"He's with Jacobs mom"

" Aight this is awesome lets get going "

My momma is actually coming to meet Jay and Vance . Sarah's coming. 

We got to the place at 7:39 and got set up. Everyone was there. Only Sarah, Nyemiah mom and Jay's mom know about the plan.

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