8: Clues To Uncover

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Chapter 8: Clues To Uncover

July 4th, 2019

Charles Smith began work as soon as he heard the news. Unfortunately this July fourth had other plans than expected. Instead of celebrating their country, Riverdale had to mourn not only Cheryl Blossom, but also Fred Andrews who passed away earlier this morning on his way from his trip out of town. He had been knee-deep into the Blossom case with his father, along with the help of Jughead and Betty. He thought he had a lead, but it ended up being a dead-end. Now he had to call Toni again and let her know that he never found anything and ultimately breaking her already fragile heart.

He wasn't prepared to do that yet.

That day, his father tells Archie and Mary Andrews that Fred Andrews was killed in a hit-and-run as he helped someone fix their tire in Cherry Creek. Later that evening, Archie gathers Fred's body and the memorial was held for close family and friends. Cheryl was still missing in action- or known as M.I.A.

Toni comes home after the service with red eyes as she craves for Cher to be found. Now that Fred Andrews was gone - the town had lost a piece of itself. The house is so quiet she could hear her own thoughts coursing through her head and the ticking from the grand-father clock in the dining room. Cheryl was still no way to be found, the case was getting longer and longer. Toni feared the worst.


X Unknown Location X

"Stop screaming, Sherry!" The impatience grew in his voice.

"It's Cheryl, you freak!" He turned toward her, raised a hand to her face and slapped her.

"It's Sherry, if I say so!" He barked as more tears to roll down the captive's pale face.

She lost count on how many days she has been locked in this trap. She knew that the night was abducted it happened to be June 8th. All she knew was the longer was done here, the longer she would be with out Tee-Tee. Her eyes build up with tears as he tugged aggressively at the shackles on her feet, causing a blood-curling scream to escape her lips. She pleaded with him, but it was no use.

"Please, let me go! I-I will give you all your money!" She cried as his grip grew tighter on her ankles.

His laugh turned sinister was she watched the blade appear in his hand. She started to squirm at the sight and her eyes widened. "No, no, no, no, no, No! I'm sorry that won't be happening, Cheryl. I'm afraid I can't fulfill that request." Cheryl's lips trembled.

Cheryl looked him in the dead in the eye." Please, Nick, let me go. I won't say a thing." He shook his head and let out a loud laugh that made Cheryl cover her ears.

Nick lowered his blade, huffing his chest and laughed again." I'm sorry, Sherry." She watched as he strolled closer to her.

"No, Nick!" She cried as he raised the blade again. She shifted as the blade got closer to her. "Please, don't!" She saw what he was doing and screamed. "You don't have to do this! I got the money!" She became frantic when she was him take off his jacket.

"I want this more than money." The lights flickered off and she used all her might to punch him in the mouth. She couldn't stop shaking. No, this wasn't going to happen again.

"You bitch!" Nick's voice growls loudly in her ear. "You're going to pay for that!"


July 5th, 2019

The next day the family woke to the news. FP stood next to counter with a package. Inhaling deeply before setting the package down and opening it, FP scanned the room. He lowers himself into a chair when the package reveals a paper, along with two polaroids what seem to be describe as a Cherry redhead tied to a bed. His heart rate spikes when he unfolds the paper and begins.

FP Jones,
I'm sure you have expecting a little present from me. I'll assure you miss Blossom is getting what she paid for. If you want her back unharmed, well I'm sorry to pop your cherry. I do have a request for you. Get me my money by the end of the week and you'll get your precious back.

Signed, St. Clair.

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