Chapter 3 - Infatuated

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Chapter 3 - Infatuated

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"I think I understand it now," Ema mumbles, putting pen to paper once more.

"See, I told you; not that hard, right?" Yuuki says. She offers Ema a reassuring smile which the latter returns quickly. Yu then turns to the red-head across from the two, whose eyes haven't left the page all afternoon. "How are you going Yusuke?"

The boy's glare intensifies like he believes if he can intimidate the worksheet hard enough, it will solve itself. But in reality, he knows it will never work.

"I'm fine," Yusuke states. "It's just a damn math problem."

Yuuki spots the questions he is on, noting his failed attempts at it scribbled on a sheet beside him. She gets up and makes her way over, adjusting herself to peer over his shoulder. Yu scans the equation, quickly pinpointing to the source of his confusion.

"You made the same calculation error Ema did," she states. "Here, let me-"

In a flash, Yusuke's arm is up in the air, forcefully holding Yuuki's own away. The female intakes a sharp breath, feeling Yusuke's tight grip around her wrist. She drops the pencil once clutched in her hand, sending it clattering to the tabletop.

"I don't need your help," the teen argues.

Yusuke is unaware of the panicked tension he is causing throughout Yuuki's body. But she is not. Her fist clenches tightly in the male's grasp, palms sweating as her heart rate rises.

"Let go of my wrist," the brunette mutters, teeth gritted.

Yusuke looks up, almost forgetful of his hold on the female. When he finally realises, he relinquishes it quickly. Yuuki pulls her hand down immediately, moving hastily back to her initial place.

'And Ema still wonders why I blatantly hate the male race,' Yu argues within herself, wishing she could express it outright.

"Oh, welcome home, Ukyo," Ema says.

Yuuki is brought from her thoughts abruptly by Ema's words of greeting. She turns in her seat, seeing the supposed 'Ukyo' entering the kitchen. He places the few plastic bags he carries onto the counter before looking back to the speaking female.

"Hello, Ema," he greets. His gaze shifts under his glasses, spotting the new guest. "Who's this?"

"This is Yuuki."

"Yuuki Yoshino," the female greets, standing and addressing the male properly. "It's nice to meet you."

"Is it alright if Yu stayed for dinner?" Ema asks.

"I don't see why not," the lawyer replies. "We should have enough for another plate."

"Thank you very much," Yuuki says. She scoots back into the chair and continues to look over Ema's notes. It doesn't take long for her to deduce that she has understood the content. "You seem to be doing fine now; The work paid off."

"Yes. Thank you, Yu," Ema says, smiling with such joy. "I'm going to put my thing away so I can help Ukyo with dinner."

"Sure thing. I'll be here."

Ema quickly gathers her things up in her arms, Julie assisting the best he can. She stands from the table, squirrel on shoulder, and begins her way towards her room. However, Yuuki notices an item laying on the table that makes her sigh.

"Em," Yu calls. The called female stops and turns. Yuuki holds up the missing pencil case, a cheeky smile plastered on her lips. "Are you sure you're not doing this on purpose, just to give me more work?"

Ema flushes pink, apologies escaping her as she moves back over. Yuuki laughs and knocks the pencil case against Ema's head, handing it back to the forgetful female. Ema turns to walk away again, making faster work this time. Yu laughs again and turns to the table. She pulls her page of notes to her, jotting down details for her later use.

"What's your relationship with Ema?" Yusuke demands.

Yuuki turns her head to the male, an eyebrow cocked. She hears the other room fall silent and Ukyo stop the unpacking in the kitchen as all the brothers begin to listen in. The female is amused, and yet afraid of what these brothers could do if given the wrong information.

"She's my friend," Yu states.

"Bull shit-"

"If you're worried about me having feelings for her, don't," the girl cuts in, returning her attention to the countertop. Yusuke recoils just the slightest bit, but never drops that piercing glare. "Our friendship is strictly platonic. It would be too weird if I were to catch feelings for her. That's just the friendship we have." Yuuki moves her gaze to the male again, locking direct eye contact. "So, I hope you take back any notion you have of me being attracted to her. And that goes for every one of you listening from the other room."

At her words, audible shifts and grunts can be heard in the room over. Yuuki smiles at the sound, happy that her words have gotten through to some degree. Now, for sure, she can rest easy knowing these boys won't go after her throat for love's sake. And she plans to keep it that way.


Dinner rolls around in no time, and Yuuki is more than pleased with what is set on the table. It's not flashy or too out there, but to her, it's more than she could ever hope for. She wolfs down the meal, coming in close second after the food burning basketball player. But the taste of the food isn't the only reason she scarphs it down so hastily.

Currently, Yuuki is almost shoulder to shoulder with Subaru and Louis, making her quite uncomfortable. If Ema were the one beside her in place of Subaru, it would be fine, but she isn't. Ema is across from Yu, between Kaname and Iori who Yuuki got the 'pleasure' of meeting just before dinner.

"That was delicious, thank you," Yuuki says, directing her words to Ema and Ukyo. She folds her arms on her lap, making herself as small as possible to avoid getting into restricted space.

The brothers let out their own praise as they place down their utensils. The two cooks take the compliments with a smile, before getting to their feet to begin the cleanup. Yuuki also rises, happy to help and to get a viable excuse to leave the males' sides.

Eventually, the cohort migrates to the living room, spacing themselves out on the couch. Yuuki lingers for a while in the kitchen, observing her friend among the boys. They don't seem as dangerous as men Yu has encountered before, but there's still a risk of injury if something were to go south very quickly.

Yuuki reenters the living room just as Ema gets up.

"Excuse me for a moment," she says, bowing and leaving out of the left hallway.

The brothers send words of acceptance, telling her not to worry. As Yuuki watches Ema leave, she can't help but let out a small chuckle.

"What's so damn funny?" Yusuke asks, obviously irritated to some degree.

Yu doesn't turn to look at the male while she lets out a sigh. She just finds this so amusing. It's almost like a game. But she won't take any part in it, that's for sure.

"She has this whole family utterly infatuated with her, and she's still as clueless as ever," the brunette replies. With her back still turned, Yuuki glances over at the gathered family. Her smile is now gone, but she isn't unhappy just yet. "I only hope that when she realises, she doesn't get hurt..."

The room falls eerily silent in the moments after. Her words, although light, send a heavy threat to all of the boys. They can feel how protective Yuuki is of her friend, and even if they don't admit it, they all fear it.

"Well, I will take my leave now. It was a pleasure meeting all of you. Please tell Ema my farewells."

Yuuki turns to the men, bows politely before grabbing her bag and making her way to the elevator. Once out of sight, the brothers slowly glance to one another. It's as if they all have come to the same conclusion. And that is that Yuuki Yoshino should not be trifled with.

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