Chapter One

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Staring up into the sky, clouds above my head as I lay on the grass. Him beside be holding my hand as we lay down on the bed of flowers and plants beneath us. Silence filling the air. Not awkward silence, but peaceful silence. Knowing we don't need to speak to express our un denying love for each other. I turn my head to look at him, he's looking up at the sky as its a book he can't stop reading. I smile and move a piece of hair behind my ear. I look at the sky again and close my eyes.

I sigh loudly realizing what I had just imagined will never happen. My names Estella, or Stella as most people call me, and I've basically given up love. I spend my time reading romance novels fantasizing about love, even though I'm 17 and no boy has even given me the slightest smile. I'm not saying it won't happen, but I'm pretty certain that it won't.

I live in boring Ontario Canada. No, my diet isn't maple syrup. Currently I'm lying on my bed upside down, the usual. Its the beginning of summer, actually school ended yesterday. I always dream of having the most memorable summer ever, but it never really happens. In reality I sit in bed and eat ice cream and watch movies with my cat. But I dream of going to somewhere magical like Italy or even out of Ontario. Exploring and experiencing it all. Except its never going to happen.

Right now I'm home alone, sitting on my bed looking at the ceiling imagining if I lived in one of those coming of age romance movies. I daydream quite an absurd amount, but lately its been worse because without school I have nothing else to think about. Sometimes I feel stupid about thinking of love all the time, or thinking of a world I will never be apart of. I mean I'm a teenage girl living in Canada, who lives in an apartment building with her dad. Theres nothing exciting about that at all.

I stand up after what seems like hours of laying upside down, I walk to my desk and look at my phone. No new notifications. I sit down on the chair at my messy desk and get as comfy as possible. I look through my contacts on my phone and look at all the names I'm scrolling past. I come across one with the name "Juli" short for Juliet, aka my best friend. We do pretty much everything together and its been that way since 7th grade when we accidentally bumped into each other while playing dodgeball in gym class. I decided to call her due to missing her so much.

The phone starts ringing then the screen changes to say "connecting.." I put her on speaker phone and go sit back on my bed.

(bold is Juliet talking and italics is Estella talking)

"Stella Bella! I miss you" I hear coming from my phone. I giggle slightly at her overly excited tone. "Juli I miss you too, we have to hang out soon" I pause slightly looking over at my wall of posters "My dads gone for a while so you should come over?!" I ask. "Actually I had a quick but very exciting and important question for you." I could basically hear her smile, "Okay shoot" "okay so my mom got this huge summer bonus from her work and she said we can go on vacation wherever I want, and she said I could bring a friend. Since your my only friend, do you maybe want to come?". I almost scream from excitement. "Yes of course I want to come!" I say jumping up and down. "I haven't picked where I want to go but if you have any ideas text me and tell me because I'm stumped on where to go" she laughs. "Okay I will, ill talk to you later. Thank you so much Juls I love you!" "Love you too Stella, bye".

After she hung up I squealed from excitement, holy moly I'm going on vacation with my best friend! Maybe this will be a summer to remember. I look at the clock on my wall, "11:24". I yawn and lay down on my bed not bothering to get changed into comfier clothes. I already start fantasizing about the trip me and Juli are going on and drift into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up to birds chirping and the sun blaring in my eyes. I move my hand up to my face and rub my eyes to get a clearer vision. I stretch out my tired arms and get up lazily. I look down and realize I slept in my jeans last night. Probably not a good idea. I go and grab clothes from my closet then go shower quickly, after showering I threw on a pair of mom jeans, a cool rainbow tank top I got at the thrift store down the street and for shoes I put on a pair of converse. I grab my phone off of my desk and go to my kitchen to grab a container of strawberries to eat for breakfast as I eat I look out the window to see what a beautiful day it is, I stuff the rest of the strawberries in my mouth and rush out the door.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do outside, but its so nice I can't stay in. I start running down the stairs of the apartment building and finally reach the door to leave, as I start walking down the street I bump into someone I look at them and realize its Juliet! I chuckle and hug her tightly as she laughs as well. I look up to her (me being 5'2 and her being 5'8) and smile again, I missed her so much.

(again bold is Juliet and italics are Estella)

"Its so good to see you, even though we saw each other two days ago!" I laugh. "Don't worry I missed you too" she said smiling. I don't know where we were going but we kept walking, and talking about random stuff like always until I realized the vacation. "Juls were going on vacation!!" I yell as she laughs. "Yes, indeed we are, also I came to a decision we go to Greece? It's really beautiful there and I think it'll be awesome" I squeal and hug her once again as I say thank you about one million times.

After hanging out with her some more I get back home around night time, wow time really flies when having fun. But its settled, were going to Greece in one week, and I couldn't be happier. This will be the best summer ever.

Hey guys its Kayla, I'm sorry if this chapter isn't the best its kind of an intro to everything and the character Estella, in the next chapter I plan on the vacation starting and it'll get more interesting I promise! Also keep in mind that this is my first story I've written on wattpad so I apologize if it isn't the best. See you guys next chapter

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