Bonnie has always wanted to confess his love to a certain someone. He performed with them all the time, strumming them softly. Bonnie was just so love struck. "What are you thinking of Bonnie?" Asked Freddy.
"I'm in love!" Bonnie replied happily. Freddy was confused. Weren't they just dead kids stuck in a robot? And why would they feel such a feeling? Freddy asked " Arent we just dead kids stuck in robots? Why are you feeling such a feeling?" Bonnie was then mad at Freddy. Bonnie can love whoever he wanted to! Hes guitarsexual! Anyways, Bonnie ran away from Freddy. Bonnie made it into the Parts and Services. There It was. Guitar. Bonnie blushed a rosy red. Bonnie approached it. "Oh... hey there mamasita..." Bonnie said to the Guitar. Bonnie wanted to get something off his chest. "Guitar... I love you!" Bonnie was so embarrassed. What if guitar didn't like him back? Guitar did absolutely nothing. Bonnie then picked up Guitar and then started to play. Freddy walked in the Parts and services room. "Bonnie, really? I'm disappointed in you that your so affectionate for a guitar. If I could kick you out, I would." Bonnie was so sad! He never heard Freddy say something like that. William then walked into the room. Then William left to get an axe. Once William got the axe, he hacked both robots down and then the rest.*THE END*