♥️🖋Trade Paintings🎨🌅

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You were at home painting something and was very focused but was then interrupted by a noise from your balcony window. You stood up and walked onto the balcony and looked down to see Ibis Paint " Hey y/n!! " He yelled as you smiled and said " Hold on Ibis, I'll be right down "

You thought about the painting and shrugged ' Eh I'll do it later ' you said walking down stairs, you opened the door to see him smile and ask " did I come at a bad time? You got paint on your clothes " He laughed. You laughed as well " Ya, but it's okay, why did you call me? " You asked

leaning on the door frame. Stuttered then said " I was wondering if you could help me with helping me choose a book for my art project, I have the books at home, I just need help with choosing one " He slowly whispered. You nodded and closed the door and said " let's go "

He then walks with you to his house. You both didn't really have much to talk about, it wa speedy much a silent walk. After a couple of minutes, you finally reached the door to his place. He lead you inside and said " Upstairs " You followed him. As he opens the door to his bedroom and let's you go first " wow

I like your room " You said as he smiled and grabbed some books from a pile. After 20 minutes of choosing a book cover to cut out, you finally chose a book. It was called " Lost Stars " He started to cut it out and after waiting for 5 minutes he placed it on his table. " are you sure that's why you called me over?~ "

He yelled and begun to stutter " y-yes!! " He said trying to sound serious. " Is it hot in here, because of it is, you're sweating a lot. Why don't you take off your hoodie and fingerless gloves?~ " you said softly as he turned around and almost fell over. You laughed and asked if he was ok, he wasn't looking at you as his back was faced to you.

Without wanting he took off his hoodie and gloves and chucked them in the table, leaving him in a long elbowed sleeved-black shirt. You blushed and looked away as he asked " You happy now~ " You turned back to him and closed your eyes. He walked up to you and whispered in your ear " let's paint something "

You said ok as he grabbed 2 plain canvass and 2 palettes, with 2 brushes. He handed you one of each as he said " what should we paint " You thought for amount then said " Ooh come here " You said getting on his bed and moving towards the window. " let's paint the sky, with the moon and the trees "

He got on the bed and said " ok, let's trade paintings? " He asked. You nodded and begun to paint, he did the same as it took 2 hours to perfectly paint the outside. After looking at your painting he waited a few minute to show you his. " ok I think I'm done! On 3 " you said holding the painting. He holds his as you both

Counted " 1 2 3 " You both showed your paintings towards each other as he said " Woah!!! Your painting is amazing " He says as you reply " No!! Your one is gorgeous it's so Good!! Are you sure you wanna give me your painting? " You ask as he hands you his painting. You gave him his as you both blushed at

The paintings you each had. You stood up and said " well I better go home now, it's quite dark " He frowns as you kissed his cheek, " I'll see you Tomorrow? " He stands up and placed the painting on his desk " let me walk you home " He said looking away " oh Ibis but it's so dark, you'd have to walk back home alone " He shrugged then smiled.

" Why don't you stay at my place? " He took a few seconds to process what you said and blushed while scratching the back of his head " O-oh " He said as you grabbed his hand and walked out his door. You both walked home close, it was cold however you body pressed against his made it feel warm, It was actually nice walking in the dark with a friend.

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