Chapter 1

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Kim Misoo's POV

I stared at the letter in my hand. I have been rejected from JYP too. I am not jobless or anything but still, I need a stable job to live my life. I have been doing part-time for one and a half years and I sent almost half of my income to my parent's house.

I am not complaining about my life but still, I want a better one to make my parents proud of me and not think that I am useless. Yes, my parents always wanted a boy until I was born. Not that they hate me but still I always have this thought that they would have been happier if I was a boy.

Now I am moving towards the last option I have. If I don't get a job here, I should return to my parent's house and start helping them by farming with them.

I stand in front of a big building named BigHit.

The reason I kept this company the last option is because I have no hopes that they would select such a useless soul as a stylist for the biggest boyband in the world.

Yes! I'm an Army too. I have been an Army since they debuted and I have seen them grow from a small rookie group to the best group in this world.

My bias is Kim Namjoon, the leader of this group. Not because of his looks or fame but because of his talent, it's not easy to handle the whole group when you are yourself a teenager. Still, the way he manages the group leads an interview, and shares the opinion of the whole team always makes me think how fortunate the whole group is to have such a leader.

I know I'm a little poor but I had saved money for 7 months and bought a ticket for their concert. I was seated in the last but second row and I felt fascinated by all the people in the front who got a better view of the 7 boys. But I am not complaining. I just wanted to see them perform live once.

Coming back to the present, I see how I am standing in front of the receptionist looking forward to my interview with the stylist.

I can't help but look at the receptionist who was flawless. Does every person in this building have to look like this? Then I may head out cause I don't have a single percent chance to be selected.

The receptionist smiled in my way and asked me to move to the 2nd floor since the interview would be held there. From most of the fanfics I have read or the movies I have watched, the receptionist has to be a rude woman and talk to you impolitely. But here she was giving me a calm smile and encouraging me for the interview.

"Fighting" she conveyed with a smile while raising both hands and making a fist.

"Thank you" I sincerely bowed towards her and move towards the lift. I have to calm my soul and not act crazy to ruin my last chance.

The ding sound bought me out of my trance and I heaved a sigh. Let's face this challenge and see what destiny has stored for me.

The board outside of a room stated that it was the manager's cabin. To my knowledge his name was Sejin. I knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Come in" came a reply and I opened the door and bowed to the person I saw inside.

"Good morning Sir, I am Kim Misoo and I came here to interview for the stylist for BTS", I uttered and he smiled at me instead.

The Stylist Noona ||Namjoon FF||✓Where stories live. Discover now