Chapter 1

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They're  still talking to our parents. I can hear them talking about a camp trip for 4 weeks with no expenses. Sounds pretty weird to me, I mean it's great that it's free but with all the high school senior students which is over 100? Where'd they even earn the money for that. Anyway this camp sounds like a bummer and I hope our parents will just ignore this free camp thing. 

"Hey, Davey! what're they talking about?"

"I think it's about a camp trip for 4 weeks and it sounds like bummer"

Emmy asks me about what I just heard and I'm like her informant, she asks me anything and everything. I think that's why I like her and I have a crush on her but she doesn't know this yet, she thinks we're just friends. Also she's the only one that calls me Davey even though my real name is David  Garcia. She on the other hand is Emily Grant, I call her Emmy.

We always talk with each other whenever we can, people usually think we're dating but unfortunately no, we're just two close friends. One day I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend and I don't think she would refuse me, I just need to wait for the best moment so I can make it romantic and an unforgettable moment for the both of us. 

The parents finally got out of the class and so I had to temporarily say goodbye to Emmy and then hear what my parents had to say to us students. 

"Next week you're going to a camp trip for 4 weeks, there's going to be fun programs that you might like and even some might become an unforgettable moment for you" dad says.

"Prepare your bag this weekend, I don't want any trouble by Monday okay?" Mom reminded me.

I don't got the chance to say my mind and was left with the only option to join, as I nod a yes, I got a text from Emmy saying that she's been told to also join this trip. Knowing that maybe it won't be bad after all and maybe even will get a chance to ask her to be my girlfriend.

Monday, the day where we lift of to our trip, I met up with Emmy on a nearby bench and talked about what kind of activities and programs we we're going to do for the next 4 weeks while waiting for the pick-up bus to arrive because we weren't given any rundown for it. Finally the bus arrived and Emmy and I sat at second to back so we could seat together. Five hours later we finally reached our destination and turns out it was somewhere nice in the woods. God it was so tiring but knowing Emmy accidentally fell asleep on my shoulder and I looked at her beauty with a soft smile and that alone just gave me the boost I need.

At around one o'clock we had lunch time, it wasn't that bad I suppose. After lunch time couple instructors arrived and divided us to groups then they explain some strict rules like no one is out after 9 p.m, no talking while an instructor speaks, everyone must stay in their cabins unless instructed, basically we figured that the programs we're just obeying them. Luckily I was in the same group as Emmy, as long as I'm beside her there shouldn't be a problem, right? that's what I thought at first until someone in my group disobeyed some rules and was called by the instructors to their cabin. His name is Samuel Jones or Sami for short, he is a trouble maker, he always have his own rules to follow, which is sometimes cool and all but sometimes it's just stupid and doesn't make any sense to anyone except for himself. Turns out if someone is called, all of the instructors gather, so our group decided to sneak to our instructors cabin listen to whatever's happening. There were lots shouting from our instructors and screams from Sami, it sounded painful because we never heard him scream like this, we we're shocked and scared of what's happening, So I commended everyone to go back to the cabin before we're caught by our instructors. In the cabin I saw Emmy's face with fear, she never taught something like this would happen neither did I. We had a group talk after this, we were in panic mode, we wanted to call the police so bad but we couldn't because we couldn't get any service to do so. What we decided was  to wait for Sami and hear what happened on his side until then we had to stay shut and careful of our moves. It wasn't a regular camp trip, I think it was more of a boot camp. It was almost bed time and I told everyone to get some rest and God, we hope Sami is doing okay.

"Davey, I'm scared... can I sleep with you?" asks Emmy

"Uhm... sure Emmy, just don't get weird vibes, we never done this you know" I said

"We are just going to sleep okay, don't do anything weird" says Emmy

"Yes m'lady" I reply back

Finally, for the first time I shared a bed with Emmy, even though the condition is not romantic but I'll take it. The next morning, we had no news from Sami, hell he didn't even return to us for some reason stupid reason, as the instructors said he fell sick and had to be sent home, other groups believed the instructors but my group knew that's not the actual reason. Next thing we know, our phones and other gadgets were taken away until the trip ends. This sucks, things just got complicated at once now.

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