DabiHawks: In the Beginning

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Hawks POV

Recently, I've been sick....which is unusual for me. Dabi has been worried about me, and he convinced me to see a doctor to get checked out and find out why I'm ill. I followed up on his advice, and today I went to see a doctor while Dabi was busy. Here is what happened at the appointment:

"After running a few tests, I think I figured out what is causing you to be sick. You're pregnant, sir. I haven't seen this before, but I do have a contact who can help you during the pregnancy" the doctor remarks, writing down contact information that he handed over to me along with basic prenatal materials and vitamins.

I was in shock, and now that I am at home I am trying to figure out how I'm going to tell Dabi. My thoughts were interrupted, however, by the sound of the door opening which signaled that my husband was home.

I walked out to meet him, kissing him briefly before stepping back.

"Did you go to the doctor, Keigo?" he asks, concerned about my sudden illness.

"Yes...I did" I reply, my nerves kicking in.

He could sense my nerves, pulling me close and giving me a kiss.

"You can tell me anything hun. I will support you" he says, and I took a deep breath.

"Touya.....I'm pregnant" I state, holding my breath as I wait for his reaction.

"Y-you're pregnant?" he questions, eyes widening.

I immediately thought that he would be mad, but then he kissed me deeply and placed a hand on my stomach.

"My little bird....carrying our baby" he comments, a rare smile only reserved for me on his lips.

I let go of the breath I was holding, wrapping one of my wings around him as we moved to our bed to cuddle after he got cleaned up.

A/N: Due to length, we split this month into 3 parts.

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