Neko Phila X Yandere America

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So reader~senpai i'am very much in love with Nekos so the stories that i will write (not the requested ones)are gonna have someone in the realtionship be a neko 




One day America and Phila was in their dorm just chilling and doing other stuff.Phila got up from her bed and went to the living room (If your killed in a living room do you die or nah??)"Hey Ame do you know where are Spain,Japan~chan,and Ruski?"Phila asked Ame."Uhhh the three of them went to their pearents house to stay with them for awhile.......The truth is I killed them."America said the first part loud so Phila can here and Wisperd the last part to himself.Phila them sat down next to America on the couch.

"So uhhh Phila?"America asked."Yea?"Phila said,"Do you like anyone?Like I mean as in like more than a friend"America asked while blushing a little."Well I kind of have a crush on (Insert Country other than Ame,Rus,Span,Japan) I don't know if they like me back tho"Phila said America was smiling very creepliy "Ame are you ok?"Phila asked.

America quickly pinned Phila on the couch."Uhhh A-ame wh-what a-a-are you doing"Phila said while shaking."Shhhh hun this will be over soon"America said while touching Phila's Cat ears.Phila moaned and tried to get away but America was too strong for her "A-ame stop *moan* t-to-touching my cat *moan* ears" Phila begged while moaning.

Ame then stoped and carried Phila bridal style to his room."Ame where are we going?"Phila asked weakly,"We are going to my room to have more fun..."

-The End-

Phila:Lisporical why did you write this..

Me:Cause I want to 

Phila:You know my dad and bothers are gonna kill you right

Me:Wait wha-

*KKK,Martial,and Del Pillar Has joined the chat*

Me:oh shi-

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