chapter one: secrets unveiled

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       Two sharp points  enter the vein in my neck as I close my eyes tightly. He holds me close with his hands on my hips as he gets what he Comes for once a month. The adrenaline peirces through me as sharp as his fangs do. I feel the razor like teeth exit my neck, then he licks away the runaway blood. Light headed, I stand against the wall looking at the snow covered ground knowing that any second now he's gonna be gone and I'm gonna be left here, broken.

      A freezing cold finger touches the bottom of my chin and lifts my head up. I look in his crystal baby blue eyes and the butterflies rush around like maniacs in my stomach. "Why are you nervous?" He says just above a whisper then moves his hand up to the side of my face as the other one is once again on my hip. "You act as if you want to be more then my faithful drudge." I chew on my bottom lip and the butterrflies get worse every second.

       He leans in closing his eyes, so I close mine as well. As his soft, cold lips touch mine the butterflies get worse, my legs go limp and my mind goes numb. A minute later his lips retreat from mine and he moves his mouth to my ear and he whispers, "Be here tommorrow at sundown."  He just ordered me to come, he never orders me to do anything. I habe to come tommorrow so its a good thing i had no plans then huh.

        I feel his hands move from there position and in a blur he' gone, he knows, I don't know what to do besides act like if this never happened, but I can't. My feelings for him are strong and he knows that now. I slowly lide down the wall so I'm sitting. The memory of his lips, his touch.........him, remains and so does my sorrow. I hug my legs and bury my face in my knees. "Shadow! There you are, but why are you in an alley?" Night asked, as he jogged twards me, he offers me his hand so in accept it and he pulls me up so into standing, still a little light headed.

        Night looks at my neck and at concerned look crosses his face. "What happened?" He says while reaching his hand out to touch my neck, but I cover my neck and take a step backwards. "I-Its nothing, I'm fine." I say then put on a fake smile to calm his worrying. " ok, I just worry about you ya know? You've been so.....distant lately." He says as we start heading down the alley walking side by side. I just look at the ground as if he wasn't stating the obvious.

         "It's just that Jared moved back in and my mom's on the same stuff she was on last time he was here.....night, she's dying and I can't save her. She's to far gone this time." On the verge of tears, Night pulls me close and holds me until I don't feel like crying anymore. "I-Im sor-" He interrupts my apology, "shhh, don't be sorry, it's ok"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2014 ⏰

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