Help can be expressed in many ways

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(Tord x Tom)
• Art credit to dditjmej on Tumbrl •
WARNING: Blood, Death

Tord was sitting in his chair, reading a hentai magazine out of boredom when a smell of just cooked bacon hit him in his nose. Making him stand up on his feet very quickly, wide smile spread across his face. The Norwegian carelessly shoved his magazine into the bottom drawer and made his way to the kitchen, following the smell. He could hear some screams coming from Tom's room on his way through the hall, but he could care less what was going on in the Brit's room.

Finally making it to the source of the amazing smell, he saw Edd standing beside the hob, frying some bacon while humming a song unknown to Tord. The Norski quietly walked behind the other, grabbing a fork on his way, as he tried to reach with it to the delicious food on the pan. His hand was slapped away though, followed by a glare from the Brit.

"When I can resist, you can too," Edd said harshly.

Tord just rolled his eyes. "I'm hungry and I assume this is a dinner so why would I be forbidden to eat it." He crossed his arms on his chest, annoyed expression showing on his face.

"Because it's for the picnic. How am I supposed to put it into the sandwiches if you eat it now?" Edd gestured to the plate full of plain sandwich bread. Making Tord roll his eyes once again.

"Whatever..." he mumbled in annoyance, making his way out of the kitchen.

Edd turned the bacon around before turning back to Tord. "It's gonna be ready in about an hour! Tell the others if you're going upstairs!" he called out to the Norski.

Tord let out a sigh but continued on his way up the stairs. When he made it to the first floor, he knocked on Matt's door that were almost right in front of the stairs.

The ginger opened them almost immediately. Gripping a hairbrush in his hand, happy smile all across his face. "What do you need, Tord?" he asked.

The other just lazily leaned against the doorframe, beginning to speak. "Edd is planning a picnic. I don't have much information but he wants us to be downstairs and ready in an hour." He explained to the other.

Matt's smile widened even more as he clapped his hands excitedly. "That sounds amazing, gotta get ready!" He grinned happily before shutting the door in front of Tord's eyes.

"Well, now the less exciting part..." Tord mumbled to himself as he walked down the hall to Tom's room. The previous yelling could be no longer heard. It was more of a dead silence at the moment. He knocked on the door but no one answered. He repeated himself, still no answer. It was starting to be annoying.

"Thomas, get your lazy ass to open the door!" the Norski yelled in annoyed tone. Still nothing. And Tord had enough. He grabbed the handle, swinging the door open as it wasn't locked. But the moment he saw the scene, hie eyes widened in horror.

Tom was standing in the middle of his room, showered in blood, eyes wide as he was staring at something. Well, more of a someone. There was a blond girl around twenty, lying on the ground in a blood puddle. She was obviously dead. And Tord could only assume all the blood around once belonged to her.

As soon as the man in blue noticed his flatmate standing in the doorframe, he was quickly pulled out of his trance. His black eyes widening with a mix of expressions showing in them as he grabbed a knife from the shelf, pointing it at Tord without a second thought.

"What the hell, Thomas-" The Norski stumbled back in fear of getting stabbed by this psycho.

"What are you doing here!" Tom screamed, his voice showing a pure fear. Which confused Tord. Why was the guy scared when he was the one pointing a knife at him?

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