•Chapter 1(?)•

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    Loud acoustics sounded in the background of the bar and a person stood on the stage singing to the blaring karaoke box. The lights were dimmed low but different colors of lights could be seen all across the room.

    “I’m gonna do it! It’s time for karaoke and yoouuuuuu can’t stop me.” said a man in his early 20s who was aggressively pointing his finger at another man sitting next to him and wore a black hat and sunglasses. He had nicely tanned skin and cloudy gray eyes that were scrunched to look more menacing. His hair was bleached on the top but his under shave was dark brown, his natural hair color. He also wore a black baseball cap and sunglasses.

    “Hugo, you’re drunk. Common, you’re just gonna embarrass yourself. Plus someone might recognize you!” said the man next to him. He had long, muddy brown hair, extremely dark brown eyes, and pale skin that contrasted his dark outfit and hair.

    “IIIIIIII’M gonna do it! Try to stop me all you want Gare but it ain’t gonna work,” he said while leaning closer towards his best friend and whispering the second sentence. He took off his hat and glasses, shoving them in Gareth’s hands, and turned around just to start sassily walking towards the stage, eager to join the karaoke session.

    Gareth started to chase after him with his best friends hat clenched in one hand and his glasses clenched in the other. “Goddammit Hugo slow down! You can’t just do stuff like this! The managers gonna be angry with us!” at this rate he was speed walk after Hugo to try and catch up with him. They were nearly at the stage and Gareth reached out to grab the back of Hugo’s shirt but by the time that he had touched the back of his shirt just barely, Hugo was already halfway up the stairs that lead onto the stage.

    Gareth looked down and rubbed his temple. “God we’re gonna get in so much trouble for this.”

    “Helloooooooo beautiful people! Ahem.” Hugo started to introduce himself to the people in the audience. “Hiiiii. Anywhoo, my name is Hugo, and today I’ll be singing a PRETTY damn good song. Now thanks for listening and now hit it tiny little box!”

    Hugo pressed some buttons on the karaoke box and when he picked a song to play, The Karaoke box started to play the acoustics for the song that Hugo chose, and when the intro came, Hugo started to belt out his heart and soul. Not his best performance for but still not his worst. Especially being braindead from too much alcohol. Gareth could hear the whispers of people in the audience talking about him. They already knew who he was and they were barely even 30 seconds into the song. Gareth scanned the room and could see people recording the fiasco on stage, realizing that they would most likely post it on their social media later. The song ended with Hugo on his knees while mimicking the guitar riff that happened towards the end of the song.

    When it was over he stood up on the stage with rock and roll hand signs on each hand and each of them in the air. “GOOD NIGHT YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!” he yelled out towards the audience and then jogged off the stage towards where he came.
Stopping right in front of Gareth he had both hands on either hip and had a large, goofy grin on his face. “So, how was that for ya you big baby.”

    “Absolutely outrageous. Now let’s get you home because you are completely hammered right now.” he shoved Hugos hat back on his head, grabbed his hand, and started to drag him out of the bar.

    “Aww, you’re no fun you stupid gare bare,” said Hugo with a pout on his face, trailing behind Gareth as he dragged him out of the bar.

    “No, you’re just completely hammered and someone whose sober needs to take care of your well being.”

    “Aww, you care about me?”

    “That’s not what I said at all dumbass you’re just my best friend and without me, your life would be a wreck.”

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