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My name is Toby and I am 11 years old. I live with my Mom and Dad and my demon older sisters. they are 13 and 15. As long as I can remember they have been giving me wedgies and they hurt. They would sneak up behind me and grab my briefs and pull. They would tug forever and almost rip them. No matter where we are if they felt like my underwear needed to be shone, they would wedgie so hard. It was terrible. walking through a mall and a cute girl would walk up to me and next thing I knew my red underwear was sky-high. Or my pants were around my ankles. Or I'd get a big kick to my front. I would be so embarrassed by this and cry, but that only got be worse wedgies and more pain. But this story is how karma came back to bite them.

This morning I woke up and got dressed like usual. My parents were out of town and my eldest sister was taking care of us. I open my door to here her mock my other sister about a boy she liked. "You like Brian," she was saying. Brian was our neighbor and my sister was in love with him. When my oldest sister found out two days ago, this house hasn't been quite. she first threatened to tell Brian and then gave her an atomic wedgie.

My sisters share a bedroom so all their craziness stays in there. My sister comes out of her room mad. "Who are you looking at," she said. she walked over to me and grabbed the front of my green briefs. She pulls hard on them and my hands went right to my crotch. By my saving grace, the doorbell rang. She let go of me and rushed to answer it. It was Brian, who came by every morning to say hi. He and his two brothers. His older brother was My eldest sister's boyfriend, and his younger was my friend Zach.

Zach and Micheal, Brian's brothers, knew he had a huge crush on my sister and always mocked him for it. Today Micheal gave him a huge wedgie. It made Brian stand on his toes. He blushed bright red and Micheal continued to pull. Brian didn't want to grip his front to save himself from a little embarrassment. My sister wanted to look away, know this must be embarrassing for him, but if she did, everyone would mock them.

Micheal finally let Brain go and he fell to the ground and whimpered. He was in so much pain. I should know. "I hate you," Brian said. that made Micheal mad. "Oh, you're going to give me lip. Well, you can just," he replied. He turned Brian around and pulled the front of his underwear. This time he cupped his front and whined. My sister couldn't stand it anymore. "Stop, can't you see you're hurting him," she said.

Micheal drops him and walks to her. "Only if you say you like him," he said. She looked at him shaking his head and holding himself. "Fine. I have a crush on Brian," she said. She turned bright red. My oldest sister pushed her closer to Brian and said: "Kiss her,". "Or do the both of you want atomic wedgies," Micheal said. Brian stood to his feet and faced my sister. If this were me, I would rather kiss a girl than get a wedgie but this would be their first kiss.

They both blushed red. They leaned in and kissed one another. Zach and I looked away. That was disgusting. My oldest sister and Micheal laughed at them. I don't know why they laughed, they kiss all the time. They even make out, whatever that is. My sister ran upstairs with tears in her eyes. I don't really know why because she kissed her crush and told him she liked him. I don't see the big deal.

This morning was one for the record books but later today is what is really fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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