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There she lay on her soft bed, facing the ceiling to be precise with her eyes closed. If per eventually someone should walk in, he or she would think that she's sleeping meanwhile, her heart was beating erratically against her chest as if it wanted to jump out. She couldn't sleep at all afraid that the nightmares will come back again.

She mustered the courage to open her left eye, she peeped at the wall clock that was adjacent to where she was and saw the time. She sighed, it was 02:26 am. The night was still young and there was no trace of sleep in her eyes and even if there was, she still won't let it take her.

She had read, numerous time of how people drift into la la land, a world where all their wishes come true. But when it comes to her, reverse was the case. She drifts off to a world of cruelty, sadness and all forms of discomfort. She has prayed and is still praying for God to forgive her. She knows that she was paying for a mistake..scratch that..a crime or even a sin she committed years back.

Tears were already filling her eyes as she let them fall freely without any attempt to stop them. She started sobbing lightly till she found herself crying hysterically.

She jumped out of her bed and walked into her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had changed a lot. A girl, who had no worries in life, enjoying and living freely with her family members. A girl, who was once a bubbly and chubby girl had now turned into the monster like creature that was staring back at her. Her face, full of dark circles around her eyes, her skin was slowly becoming dry as she paid no attention to it. Her lips, starting to have cracks all around them. She couldn't believe it. She performed ablution and walked back to the room.

She brought out a soft prayer mat and wore her long hijab that swept the floor anytime she walked around with it. She prayed, poured out her heart to her Lord, cried as well as ask for forgiveness. She spent the night praying till she heard the first calling for subh prayer. She brought out her azkar book and recited it. Not long, she heard the calling for prayer. She stood up, prayed raka'atanul fajr before praying.

When she was done, she brought out her Qur'an and recited it delicately and to top it all, she was a hafizah. Satisfied with what she had done, she stood up and entered the bathroom.

She brushed her teeth, did her morning business, took time in taking her bath. She walked out and moved to her dressing mirror. She opened her hair which she had apparently washed and towel dried it. She applied her hair products and tied her hair into a bun and yes, her hair wasn't long, just resting on her shoulders.

She applied her body cream to her body, applied all sorts of perfume to her body. She loves all her perfumes especially Frangipani, Tuber rose and Vanilla orchid. She also has a thing for humra.

She walked to her closet and gave a quick stare to her clothes. She didn't waste time as she pulled out beige maxi dress. She quickly got into it, sprayed another type of perfume, Oud al-haramain then carefully placed an off white turban on her head. She grabbed her phone and walked out of the room not forgetting to close the door after her.

She skipped to the kitchen knowing that no one would be awake at that time. She prepared her breakfast and settled down to eat in the parlour when her mom walked in.

"Mommy good morning" came her voice
"Good morning, I hope you slept well?" Her mom said looking for something

She gulped hard before replying positively. Deep down she felt bad for lying, but she had to do it for her self, for he family members as well as people around her.

If she tells them that she still get the nightmares they will get worried and that's not what she wanted at all. She could clearly remember those days she'd wake up screaming and crying therefore gaining their attention.

Everyone was concerned about her and that made them to forget about their own life issues. Her mom, dad and siblings were all there for her, protecting her as if she was an egg.

But that wasn't what she wanted. She believes that she's getting punished for what she did. It's her fault so since then she made up her mind to keep her things to herself. Even when they noticed the change in her, she shrugged it off saying it was school problems and that she'll be fine.

It reached to an extent that the nightmares became really bad but because she didn't want to disturb her parents she didn't tell them. Besides, they don't even know about the bad deed their daughter committed. She was sure that if they get to know, only Allah would save her from being disowned.

"Ma'am" one of their house helps said making her come back to real life. She just realized that she had been crying. She quickly wiped her tears hoping that the maid hadn't seen her but unfortunately, she did.

"Y..yes" she said looking at her.

"I wanted to know if you are still going to take breakfast with the rest of the family so you tell us what you want to have." She said all in one breath.

"No. This is enough for me, just ask the others" she said and then she noticed that her cup of caccuppino was cold.

"Um..Maria" the maid who's name turned out to be Maria faced her as she answered

"Make a cup of coffee for me and bring it up to my room" she said and stood up with her plate and cup in hand. Maria offered to collect but she declined.

She dropped them in the kitchen and went back to her room.

Hello mi amigos. It's your girl Amina Hassan aka naabzee again!!!!!

This book is going to be slightly different from the others I've written. I hope you give me your maximum co operation as I'll try to give you the best I can.

This is the only thing I'm going to publish for now. The book will kick start immediately I finish TCON.  So, tell your friend to tell another friend  that friend to tell another.

Till then watch out for it

Amina Hassan loves you all. Mayy Allah accept our ibadah in this holy month ameen.

رمضان مبارك

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