Chosen Duliest

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~No One's Pov~
<Manh Years Ago>
-Location: Satellite-

No matter how much I've longer for it...

A young boy was being dragged through the streets of the Satellite by a large looking man.  A look of anger was present on his face as he eventually tossed the boy against the wall growled at him.

???: Grrrrr.... you damned brat?! How many times do I have to tell you?!

Soft sobs could be heard from the child as he slowly got up and looked at the man as he continued to shout at him. Reaching into his pocket the man pulled out a deck of cards.

???: What did I tell you about this, huh?! How many time do I have to repeat myself you damn brat?! How many times are you going to disobey me!? Answer me, (Y/N)!!!

The young child scared of what could happen could only stutter as the older man glared down at the young boy.

(Y/N): I-I-I'm sorry...

???: Sorry?! SORRY?! That's not going to fix anything you brat!!

In a swift motion the older male kicked the young child in his gut causing him to be knocked back against the wall behind him.

???: I go out of my way to take in a useless brat like you... all I ask is you make me money to help me out, but no... this is how you treat me?! The man who takes care of you?! You know Sector Security outlawed dueling for trash like us?! You know what the punishment is don't you?!

(Y/N): I-I-I know...

???: Then why?! Why the hell do you continue on like this?!

(Y/N): B-b-b...

???: Stop stuttering damnit?!

The older male raised his hand as he was about to hit the young boy again causing him to flinch as he covered his face, fear ever present in his eye.

???: Tch... this isn't even worth my time... I never wanna see you collecting duel monster cards again do you here me?!

(Y/N):... B-but they're my friends...

In that moment the only thing that could be heard was complete silence. The older male was shaking as he stood in front of the boy, in that split second the older male lashed out and punched the young boy.

(Y/N): G-aaahhhhhh?!

This caused the young boy to roll back quite a bit until he eventually crashed into a wall. Footsteps could be heard as the older male continued to walk towards the kid on the floor.

???:Did you talk back to me? Let me teach you what happens when you talk back to me!?

The older man then repeatedly started to kick and stomp on the child as he laid their defenseless on the ground. The young child began to scream out in pain as bruises and wounds began to form all around him. Blood even began to drip from his nose and a couple other places on his body.

???: This is to teach you that us trash here at the Satellite, we don't have a regular life we just do what we're told and I'll be damned if you bring trouble to me just because of this deck!

With one final kick the older man knocked the boy against a wall. He then turned around and was about to walk away until the young boy grabbed his leg in desperation.

???: Get your hands off of me...!

He said in a dark tone and he slightly turned back to glare at the child as he tried to yank his leg away. (Y/N), however held on as if he was holding on for dear life. While the older male was shouting for the younger one to let go, the younger one whispered something.

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