Chapter 37

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"Minari open the door!" I shout through Mina's apartment door as I bang on it. I had my mom drive me here after we left the club. I just couldn't leave things like that with Mina. She's my best friend and I don't want to lose her. I know you're thinking then I shouldn't have slept with her girlfriend, yeah yeah, trust me I know. "Minari please just open the door! Just let me explain please!" I beg my friend. 

"Get the hell away from my door before I call the cops on you Sana!" She yells back to me and I take a moment to decide if she's serious or not. I decide there's no way she'd really do that, so I bang on her door again. 

"I'm not going away Min. I can stay out here all night." I tell her as I lean my head against her door. I know I don't deserve her forgiveness, or for her to ever even talk to me again but I'm hoping that she will. 

Praying actually. 

The abrupt opening of the door causes me to fall face first onto her foyer floor. I look up at her. She has her arms folded over her chest, and a less than pleasing look on her face. 

"I swear Sana, if you don't get the fuck away from my door I'm gonna-" 

"I'm sorry Min." I tell her as I pick myself up from the floor. "I don't know how to make you understand how sorry I am. Words can't even begin to-" 

"You don't get to do that." She shakes her head. 


"Don't talk to me." She shoves me backward, pushing me out of her apartment. I stumble a bit, caught off guard. She slams the door in my face and I sigh and fall back against it. I slide down to the floor as my phone rings in my pocket. I pull it out and see that it's Tzuyu. 

"Tzuyu I don't want to talk to you right now!" I tell her as Minari's door swings open again causing me to fall in. I look up at her, laying on my back, as she stands over me. 

"That's Chou?" She asks. I'm done lying to her. I nod my head yes. "UnFuckingBelievable. Tell her she can come get her shit at any time, it'll be on the street." She says and I see her grabbing for the door to close it. I quickly move out of the way so I won't get slammed in the door. I roll my eyes as I hear Tzuyu saying something on the other line. 

"Tzuyu please just leave me alone right now, okay?" I ask in a defeated tone. 

"Oh don't stop talking on my account!" I hear Minari yell through the door. I groan and drop my head in my left hand. 

"Tzuyu please." I beg. 

"I need to see you right now Sanny." 

"Don't you get it! We hurt her. We went behind her back and we built this relationship that we shouldn't have. We hurt her so bad Tzu and right now I just need you to understand that I have to try to fix this and in order for me to do that I need you to not be around. Just don't call me so I can-" 

"No!" She cuts me off. "I can't just leave you alone Sana. I told you. I wish I could change the fact that Minari got hurt in all this, but I don't regret falling in love with you Sana." 

"Ugh! I can't do this right now Tzuyu." I tell her and hang up before she could reply. I really hope she doesn't come here after me, that definitely would not bode well with Minari. My phone rings again to pick it up without looking at the caller I.D, thinking it's Tzuyu again. "Seriously Tzuyu will you just-" 

"It's your mom Sana." My mom's worried voice calms me down. 

"Oh." I say softly with a sigh. 

"How are things going?" I groan and bang my head lightly against Mina's door.

"They're not. She won't even talk to me." 

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