31 - The Attack

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(Liam's POV)

I hang my phone up and finish the spreadsheet I'm working on. I'm ready for this work week to be done. It's Thursday, only two hours and one day left to go.

A thud comes from the living room, and considering that's where Ash is, I go to check on him. He's on the floor, right next to the couch he's just fallen off of.

He groans. "Sorry."

"Don't be," I say. I help him back onto the couch, making him take a drink of water. When did I become such a parent.

My phone starts ringing from the other room, so I pat him on the head and go back to take it. It's the school which makes my heart drop.


"Hi, is this Liam Huntley? Cole Huntley's brother?" The lady says.

"Yes, is he okay?"

"He just had an asthma attack. He's laying in the nurse's office now if you'd like to come pick him up."

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm on my way."

We hang up and I get Ash to get ready and in the car. I'm nervous the whole way there even though I know he's okay.

Cole is laying on a bed in the nurse's office. His eyes are closed and he looks worn out. I shake his arm, making him open his eyes.

"Hey, bud, how are you feeling?" I ask. He doesn't say anything, just sits up. "I'll watch you tonight, okay? We're gonna try and keep you out of the hospital."

He nods and hops down to follow me out of the school. I make him walk in front of me so I can watch him. He hasn't had an attack like this in a while. One that made him so tired and dizzy.

We're outside when he falls to his knees again, gasping for breath. I pull his inhaler out of my pocket and hold it to his mouth, trying to get him to breath. He takes it and I press down on the object. Two more times and he starts to come back to normal.

He takes my arm and lets me help him up. I grab his bag and walk us the rest of the way to the car. Ash is still inside but hasn't noticed us yet. His arms are wrapped around himself and I imagine he's trying not to be scared.

"Ash, can you do me a favor and sit in the back with Cole, please? Just in case he has another attack, I'd like you to be there for him," I say, opening the door.

He gets out of the passenger side and sits next to Cole instead. Cole offers a weak smile and it makes me feel content enough to leave them on their own.

I make Cole lay down when we get home and make sure his stuff is out in the open just in case. I'll have to make sure he's not too stressed since this hasn't happened in a while.

I'm still not used to taking care of his asthma completely. He's been stable for a while now and our parents were always here whenever something bad happened. Now it's just me.

Just me.

My phone rings, but it's just Anna this time. How I would love to be the head of accounting instead.


"Where have you been? This is the third time I've called you," she says as soon as I answer. I close my eyes.

"I got a call from my brother's school, he had an asthma attack, I had to pick him up."

"So you just weren't going to tell me? You were just going to leave work behind and let everyone clean up your mess?"

"This may come as a shock, but no, you did not cross my mind at all when I heard what happened."

She groans. "You are selfish, Liam. You have a job to do. Do you think you're the only single parent in the office? Now open up the spreadsheet, this has to be done by four."

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