Chapter 1

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Ugh... I wish this day would end. School is so boring. 

I yawned to myself as I looked out the window, the teacher nagging in front of the class. 

"Isabella, what is the answer to this problem?" she asked me. 

Staring blankly at her, I didn't even answer and went back to looking out the window. Bitch should know by now I don't talk. 

"If you don't start answering questions, and stop spacing out, I'm going to have to give you another detention." she sighed. 

Like I give a fuck. She handed out papers and when she got to me she only gave one paper. Not one for Marcus. I glared, pointing to him so she'd give one up. Sighing, she gave another paper to Marcus and I smiled at him. He was alright and happy, till some dumbass came out of no where and started taking his papers and ripping them up. 

"Haha! Hey look guys, the freak's little friend." some guy laughed with his friends. 

My eyes started to twitch and I pulled out my pocket knife and stabbed him in the hand. 

"AHHH YOU BITCH!" he cried out in pain. Everyone was watching us shocked. 

The bastard's friends, jumped me and started to beat me up for it. They thrashed me with punches, kicks and even ripped up the clothes I had on, leaving me in barely anything. 

"Enough everyone!!!" the teacher yelled, trying to break us up. Security had to come in, just to take them off me. 

Blood was all over my clothes and I had bruises all over. 

"Oh my.." she said, looking around. "Alexander, come take her to the nurse. Security, take them away." 

I pushed past her, taking Marcus with me and walked out into the hall. Fuck this school. Everyone can go to hell. 

I heard someone call my name, but I just kept ignoring it. Even when I heard the footsteps get quicker. 

Whoever is fucking with me now is going to get it. I growled under my breath as I kept walking, hand in my pocket, ready to strike. 

The person grabbed my shoulder and I threw my hand back with my razor in it. I felt it slice against some flesh as I ran away. 

Bastards. I scuffed and kicked a locker. I walked out the school, sighing and giving Marcus a hug. He always makes me feel better. He was calming me down and told me to relax. 

Again someone, bothered me. They called my name and took a tight hold of me from behind. I panicked and tried to get away, but I fell down the stairs with the person, my arm, slamming into a step, breaking my bone. 

Giving a silent scream, I clenched my arm in pain, kicking away from the person. Stopping me, he looked into my eyes, blood running down his cheek. 

"Isabella!! Stop, it's me, Alexander. Mrs.Babcock told me to take you to the nurse, remember? I'm sorry I scared you, but damn!" he grumbled, helping me up, as I moved away, clenching my arm. 

"So, you're not even gonna talk to me huh?" he asked. I shook my head, glaring at him. Bastard made me fall. I should kill him, if only I wasn't in so much pain

He looked at me, putting a jacket around me. Ew.. I growled and threw it off and started to walk away with Marcus. 

"Hey! Come back! I'm just trying to help!" he yelled out, chasing me. He was quick and picked me up. "I don't care if you kill me in the process, but you need the nurse to at least help you." I kicked and squirmed, trying to get away but he wouldn't let go. OH MY GOD, this bastard won't let go. 

Marcus even was trying his hardest to save me, but had no affect on anything. 

I sighed to myself, looking at Marcus sadly. Man.. If only we could get away from all this bullshit. 

Reaching the nurse, she treated me as pain overcame me. She pushed my broken bone back into place and put a cast on my arm. I felt like a damn animal, all tied up. 

"Thank you, miss." Alexander said to the nurse. 

"No problem, anything to help. You, young lady need to be more careful." she put her hands on her hips as I turned myself away. 

"She doesn't talk, miss." he whispered to her. She rained her eyebrow and nodded, leaving the room. 

"Well.. I guess I'll see you around?" Alexander questioned. I shook my head and held Marcus's hand. 

"Just try to take care then.." he sighed.

He bent down and looked at Marcus. 

"And you take care too, okay?" he said with a smile. It surprised me a lot he actually talked to Marcus. Everyone just normally laughs and ignores him. Marcus was surprised himself on the remark. 

I saw a whiteboard nearby and wrote on it.

His name is Marcus.. 

"Marcus, ey? Not bad, not bad." he said with a smile. "Nice to meet you Marcus." he shook his hand as I watched, making sure he didn't hurt him. 

Marcus was really happy to make a new friend, but I dunno. I can't trust him. 

Finally, he looked at me. 

"You ever going to talk to me?" he asked. I shook my head, writing again. 

No. Don't trust you. 

He nodded with a smile. 

"Okay, well I'm off. Hope to see you guys around. Byes." he waved and walked out. 

Alexander is still a fucker for making me fall, but he's off my kill list, for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2014 ⏰

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