Chapter 2: thoughts

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5 months ago.

"Please Sir! I've done a lot of practice on the proportions and backgrounds! Please accept me! I'll work hard! I promise!" Spreading all the paper sketches and paper artwork on the table. 

You were talking to the last person on list of animation companies that you wanted to go and in the end they all declined your request. 

"Sorry Miss, like I said. Your work is not our type and it is not good enough. My apologizes" And the man left the room.

Leaving just you in the empty room with bags under your eyes you've become defeated and lost hope of trying.

"with all my hard work....and I'm still not good enough to be one?" Clenching your fist with anger you storm out of the room and yell across the hall.

"Yeah! So, I'm not good enough?! So what?! I can find a better one than this shitty animation company!" And swing open the exit door and left home. 

When you arrived home there was a sweet smell in the air. It was Grandma who is in the kitchen preparing to cook dinner.

"Oh! hello dear, you're home already? How was the meeting?" 

"It was....alright I guess...didn't make it though...Grandma, I'm gonna go take a quick shower" You walk up the stairs to take a shower

As the hot warm water showers down on you all of your anger and tense emotions drift off and now feeling calm and ease. 

What am I  gonna do now?....None of the animation companies accepted my work. Because I wasn't good enough? pfft...yeah..I'm not good enough..

And then your tense emotions come flooding back and started to cry in the shower. 

Mom and Dad were right. Maybe being a animtor isn't right for me. Because I'm not good enough.

After showering and drying your hair slumped on the wheely chair checking your emails on your laptop, you got a text message on Luckybook. It was your friend Na-Kyum.

Na-Kyum : "Heya girl!"

Y/N: "Hey"

Na-Kyum: "What happened? Did this company also didn't accept you?!"

Y/N: "yeah.."

Na-Kyum:"Ignore them sis! They just don't know your true talent and they'll regret it once you do get in one! I've seen them your artwork is amazing believe me!"

Y/N:"Thanks, but now I don't have any companies I can apply too. They all declined my request. Because I'm not good enough is what they said...I think I'm not fit for this job."

Na-Kyum: "Listen to me, don't give up and I know you will find one soon! I know you're fit for this job and seen your talent. You're great! Here, a few companies I found online. Hope it helps.  I don't have much information about them but it's alright! Start small and eventually you'll become famous!."

List of small companies:

- Lucky Bamboo

- Rapid Line

- Jump Fire

Y/N: "Never heard any of these guess I will give it a try."

Na-Kyum:"That's the spirit! Let me know how it went later!"

"Dear! It's time for dinner now!" Grandma has finished cooking and placing the meals on the table. 

"yes grandma!im coming!" You text a last message before you head downstairs

Y/N: "Alright, I have to go eat dinner now! Wish me luck tomorrow!"

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